Americans drink a massive amount of beer. According to Beer Info, the average beer consumption for Americans over 21 is 28.2 gallons. Beer consumption rates are regional. Heavy beer drinkers tend to be in rural states.
Beer choices in the U.S. are remarkable. There are almost 9,000 breweries in the U.S., and that number is growing. While major brands like Bud Light still represent a large portion of these sales, craft brewers and regional brewers can be successful.
Another aspect of the beer business is an attempt by people to pick their best beers. This can become a contest, like debating about the best hotdog, or best car.
To determine America’s lowest-rated beer, 24/7 Tempo reviewed BeerAdvocate’s most recent ranking of the worst-rated beers in the world, as judged by its readers. (Information on alcohol by volume – ABV – also came from BeerAdvocate.) The site asks reviewers to score beers on a scale of 1.00 to 5.00 in 0.25-point increments on five ratable attributes: appearance, aroma, taste, mouthfeel, and overall impressions. The site then calculates ratings by weighting attributes differently (most important is taste, weighted at 40%). The weighting accounts for the fact that in the ranking here, reader scores don’t necessarily correspond with the order in which the beers appear (with No. 1 being the lowest). Scores are current as of mid-April 2022.
The lowest rated beer in America is Budweiser Select 55. Here are the details:
> Average score: 1.65 (620 votes)
> Style: Lager – light
> ABV: 2.4%
> Brewery: Anheuser-Busch
> Location: Missouri