



Most Unusually Specific Law in Every State

ice cream cone in jeans pocket on yellow background

Most Unusually Specific Law in Every State

Laws in the United States differ at the state level. Thus, when traveling from one state to another, it’s best to know the local laws. That way, you don’t make costly errors that might get you punished. However, some laws are just… bizarre.

There’s no doubt that there are laws that simply don’t make sense in the context of modern civilization. Additionally, the fact that these issues are codified into the state legislation means that someone, at some point, tried these acts, and, due to a lack of legal precedent, they went unpunished. Let’s examine some unusual laws you might want to consider when traveling around the U.S.

Unfortunately, many of the strangest laws in the United States were passed well before the 20th century. Thus, they’re not as easy to find on state legislature websites due to the legislation process being so different from when they were codified. So, we relied on reputable sources such as the World Atlas and a handy infographic compiled by the faculty of Olivet Nazarene University. (Also See: Is Your Radar Detector Legal? A State-by-State Guide to Detector Laws)


Umbrella in rain

Julia_Sudnitskaya / iStock via Getty Images

There are several unusual laws at the state level. Firstly, it is illegal to wear a fake mustache in church, but only if that mustache causes people to laugh. You are also not allowed to open umbrellas when on any street. The state prohibits people from playing dominoes on Sundays. In Mobile, Alabama, specifically, you cannot throw confetti or spray silly string within the city limits. That last one has us wondering how people in Mobile do gender reveal parties when so many of the ones we see online involve confetti.



davidrasmus / iStock via Getty Images

Weird laws in Alaska are similarly specific like the ones in Alabama. For instance, it is illegal to wake a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photo. It’s unclear if you can wake sleeping bears so long as you do not take a photo of the bear after, but realistically, leaving sleeping bears alone is a good measure anyway. It is also illegal to bring a flamingo to a barber shop, but only in Juneau, Alaska.


A donkey in Aran Islands, Ireland.

Luca Fabbian / Shutterstock.com

Arizona is one of a small handful of places in the United States that has a weird law specifically concerning animals in bathtubs. In the state of Arizona, it is illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub. No indication of whether donkeys can stand or sit in bathtubs, but they definitely can’t go to sleep. On a more reasonable note, it is also illegal to deny someone a glass of water, which is a pretty good idea seeing as Arizona is a desert and people die without water in hot places.


Barking dog

Capuski / E+ via Getty Images

The state of Arkansas has one of the most well-known “weird” laws in the world. In Arkansas, it is actually illegal to mispronounce the word “Arkansas.” You have to pronounce it “ɑɹ.kənˌsɔ” (“r-ken-saw”) not “ɑɹˈkæn.zəs” (“r-kan-sus”). Additionally, in Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas, dogs are not allowed to bark after 6 p.m. We’re not sure how tightly enforced that is, since dogs don’t adhere to human time measurements and don’t typically care if it’s 5:59 or 6:00 when they start howling.


BrianLasenby / iStock via Getty Images

Strange laws relating to animal behavior and care are common across America. In California, it is illegal to eat a frog that died during a jumping contest. If the frog dies any other time, it’s fair game to become your lunch. In Burlingame, you’re only allowed to spit if you’re standing on a baseball diamond.


Funny portrait of a young horse clowning and snooting around

Annabell Gsoedl / Shutterstock.com

Colorado is one of many places that makes it illegal to collect rainwater. Additionally, you cannot ride a horse while under the influence, which we think is an overall good policy, even if it’s a bit strange that it had to be made into law. Finally, car dealers cannot show cars on Sundays, which is one of many laws dictating what can and cannot be done on Sundays.


Pickled cucumbers in jars, fresh cucumbers on bowl, dill, garlic on a white wooden background. Home canning. Top view.

Viktorya Telminova / Shutterstock.com

There’s another famously strange law that comes from Connecticut. In Connecticut, it is illegal to call a pickle a “pickle” unless it bounces when dropped. This regulation comes from a case where men were selling rotten pickles. A fresh pickle will bounce if dropped from a height of around 1 foot, while a rotten one will not. Another lesser-known odd law comes from Devon, Connecticut, where it is illegal to walk backward after sundown.


Orbon Alija / Getty Images

Pawn brokers in Delaware are legally obligated to refuse a wheelchair or fake limb. Additionally, if you plan on flying over Delaware, you’d best ensure you have the proper supplies to make the trip. After all, it is illegal to fly over water without sufficient supplies in Delaware.


Low angle portrait of teenage boy wearing baggy pants standing on skateboard in urban area and looking at camera, copy space

SeventyFour / Shutterstock.com

Home of the fabled “Florida Man,” it makes sense for Florida to have some weirdly specific laws to prevent people from doing what they seem to love doing in Florida. However, the ban on singing in public places while wearing a bathing suit seems notably weird for a state with so many beaches. It is also illegal to skateboard without a license. Finally, perhaps the strangest law from Florida is that if an elephant is tied to a parking meter, the fee for the meter must be paid as if there was a vehicle there.


ice cream cone in jeans pocket on yellow background

Ugorenkov Aleksandr / Shutterstock.com

Weird laws in Georgia include the following. You cannot live on a boat for more than 30 days in Georgia, which seems a bit anti-consumer to us since houseboats are significantly cheaper than houses. In Gainesville, it is illegal to eat fried chicken using any method besides your hands. It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in Quitman, Georgia. Finally, you cannot keep an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sundays anywhere in Georgia.


Cute little magician showing trick indoors

Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.com

Hawai’i (remember the ‘okina when you say and write it!) has some unusual laws as well. For starters, it is illegal to put up a billboard in Hawai’i. If you visit, you’ll notice a distinct lack of billboard advertisements due to this law. It is also illegal to put coins in your ears. This includes behind your ears. So, you can’t do the coin trick in Hawai’i.


digihelion / Getty Images

In Idaho, they have some limits on what you can and can’t give as a gift. You cannot gift your loved ones a box of chocolates that weighs more than 50 pounds. That is not to say you can’t possess such a box, but gifting it is against the law. Bicycles are also not allowed on tennis courts in Idaho.


Dog (Basset with a glass of whisky on a white background in the Studio

Vivienstock / Shutterstock.com

Chicago has two distinctly specific laws that might seem strange. Firstly, you can’t give dogs whisky in Chicago. We don’t support giving any animals alcohol, but the specificity of whisky and dogs in Chicago begs the question of why it needed to be codified. You also cannot fly kites anywhere within the city limits of Chicago. Finally, throughout Illinois, it is legal for minors to drink alcohol as long as they are currently enrolled in a culinary program.


The number pi written with chalk on the blackboard, with its equivalence in numbers

Kuki Ladron de Guevara / Shutterstock.com

The state of Indiana has one law that is actually quite harmful in its application. They mandate that the value of Pi in Indiana is 4 and not 3.14159… This law raises some really specific issues in that 4 and 3.14 are not close in value and in situations where a calculation must be extremely accurate, using the value 4 for Pi would cause it to be so far off that it could result in harm if it was applied to things like architecture or mechanical engineering. It is also illegal to have a mustache if you habitually kiss other humans in Indiana. Take that, Mario!


Fortune teller pointing at life line and love line of client

Dragon Images / Shutterstock.com

Self-proclaimed psychics have specific rules they need to follow in Iowa. Namely, palm reading is illegal in Cedar Rapids. There is also a unique statute that states one-armed piano players must perform for free in all of Iowa.


Train on track

Bruce Leighty / Photodisc via Getty Images

If you want to go noodling in Kansas, think again. You need a license to catch fish using your bare hands in Kansas. There is also a uniquely difficult statute that states that if two trains meet on the same track, neither train shall proceed until the other has passed. This law is obviously untenable as it would prevent the trains from moving at all.


colony newborn duckling on a cage, cute little duck in the cage

Dadi herdiansyah / Shutterstock.com

The weirdest law we could find in Kentucky was exceptionally specific and strange. It states that it is illegal to dye a duckling blue and offer it for sale unless you are selling at least six of them for sale at once. There may be some untapped potential in selling blue ducklings in Kentucky based on the implications of this law.


Pizza delivery

YinYang / Getty Images

If you’ve ever failed to deliver on a promise, you’d better not do that in Louisana. Making false promises is a crime under Louisana law. This law seems like one that would mostly go unenforced since it would be difficult and resource-intensive to investigate every instance of a reported false promise, especially since they would likely have to prove intent, which could be difficult. It is also illegal to send a pizza order to someone’s house without their knowledge or consent, and doing so in Louisana can net you a fine of $500.


SergeyIT / Getty Images

Stepping out of a plane mid-flight is illegal in the state of Maine. This law doesn’t seem to include skydiving, where you legally jump out of an airplane midflight, but rather affects passenger flights where they want you to stay seated for your own safety. Putting Christmas decorations up is also serious business in Maine because you must take them down before Jan. 14.


Young man with cap looking at cellphone sitting on park bench on sunny day. Millenial boy on sleeveless shirt and shorts using smart phone outdoors in summer time

Josu Ozkaritz / Shutterstock.com

In Baltimore, you cannot legally take a lion to a movie theater. So, if you happen to have a pet lion in Maryland, you’d best leave it at home when you go to the pictures because bringing it violates the law. You are also not permitted to enter a public park while wearing a sleeveless shirt anywhere in Maryland.


Young blond doctor man with beard and blue eyes wearing coat drinking jar of beer with angry face, negative sign showing dislike with thumbs down, rejection concept

Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.com

In the context of modern society, the Pilgrims were pretty weird. So, it makes sense for the state where they first landed to also have some strange laws. Firstly, it is illegal to give beer to hospital patients in Massachusetts. You also cannot own an explosive golf ball. It is unclear if this law extends to other types of sports balls, but golf balls that blow up are illegal. Dancing to “The Star-Spangled Banner” is also a crime in Massachusetts.


Mini golf game with several colored balls in the way of a putter lined up.

Lost_in_the_Midwest / Shutterstock.com

Late-night mini golf isn’t an activity you can do in Michigan, since putt-putt courses must legally close no later than 1 a.m. There are also a handful of laws on this list that are simply remnants of the misogynistic laws of the past, such as Michigan’s law which states that it is illegal for a woman to cut her hair without her husband’s permission.



Maria Jeffs / iStock via Getty Images

The state of Minnesota has some laws about what you can and can’t do on Sundays. However, the most unusual law that the legislature has in place in this state is that you cannot cross state lines with a duck on your head. Apparently, putting the duck on your lap or in your hand is not a problem, but if the duck is on your head, it’s a crime.


Lips sealed

Tero Vesalainen / Shutterstock.com

Like many Southern states, Mississippi has strict rules about what you can and can’t do at church. This state is unique, however, since it involves the bystanders to your antics. In Mississippi, anyone disturbing a church service is subject to a citizen’s arrest. That’s when a random bystander is legally allowed to grab and restrain you until the police arrive. You can also be fined up to $100 for using profane language in public places in Mississippi.


RichLegg / Getty Images

The state of Missouri is no stranger to unusual laws. In Mole, Missouri, it is illegal to do anything that would frighten a baby. It is also illegal to drive with an uncaged bear anywhere in Missouri. Putting the bear in a cage seems to make your bear legal to travel with, but uncaged will net you a punishment.


Domestic Pet Fancy Rat Dumbo ears black with blaze

Luvtinytoes / Shutterstock.com

The state of Montana limits what pets you can have to some extent. In Billings, Montana, it is illegal to raise pet rats. This is not the only law in the U.S. stating that certain exotic pets are illegal. It is also illegal to guide sheep onto a railroad in Montana with the intent to injure the train. We think it’s a little strange that the state of Montana is more concerned about the “rights” and “well-being” of the train and not the sheep, but it is what it is, right?


Donut Holes

P Maxwell Photography / Shutterstock.com

Unfortunately, the state of Nebraska doesn’t have as many notably strange laws as some other states. The only one we could find is that it is illegal to sell doughnut holes in Lehigh, Nebraska. We don’t know what they have against doughnut holes, but we’ll just get them elsewhere.


Camel crossing highway in Negev desert. Israel.

Oleg Zaslavsky / Shutterstock.com

If you need to transport a camel in the state of Nevada, do not take any highways as it is illegal for a camel to be present on a highway in this state. It is also illegal for a mother to give her daughter a perm without a proper license in Nevada, which we think isn’t a terribly unfair rule as permanent hair texture changes can chemically damage the hair beyond repair when done by uneducated people.

New Hampshire

Seaweed on beach

CHUYN / Getty Images

Don’t get too into the music in New Hampshire because it’s illegal to tap your feet, nod your head, or in any way move to music while in the water if you’re at a restaurant. As long as you’re not in a restaurant, it doesn’t seem to apply. So, synchronized swimming is still allowed as long as it’s not performed at a restaurant. It is also illegal to carry away or collect seaweed at night in New Hampshire.

New Jersey

A young handsome man stands on a background of a green wall of real and grapes and knits a green sweater with the knitting needles of their natural woolen threads. A man learn to knit needles sweater

Everyonephoto Studio / Shutterstock.com

If a stranger asks to borrow your phone in New Jersey, state laws mandate that you must lend it to them. Denying a person in need of a phone is a crime in this state. It is also illegal for men to knit during the fishing season in New Jersey. So, there’s a span of several months where male knitters are legally obligated to put their hobby down.

New Mexico

Romeo and Juliet (1968) | Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting in Romeo and Juliet (1968)

Courtesy of Paramount Pictures

Book banning and rewriting have been in the news lately, with the state of Florida banning several books from schools. However, this isn’t a new practice. The state of New Mexico has cut 400 words from “Romeo and Juliet,” stating that they are sexually explicit and not suitable for a learning environment.

New York

Woman wearing soft comfortable slippers at home, closeup

New Africa / Shutterstock.com

Turns out I could never live in New York, even if I wanted to. In this state, it is illegal to wear slippers before 10 p.m., which stinks because I come from a culture where we wear slippers at all times when we’re at home. I’m wearing slippers right now!

North Carolina


sfe-co2 / iStock via Getty Images

This state is another place in the United States that has a specific law regarding elephants. In North Carolina, it is illegal to use an elephant to plow your cotton fields. Additionally, if you aren’t that confident in your singing ability, it might be better not to even try here in North Carolina since singing off-key is illegal. Finally, if you like bingo, don’t let your hobby take too long as a single bingo game in North Carolina cannot legally exceed five hours in length.

North Dakota

Freshly baked homemade pretzels and draft beer

Evgeny Karandaev / Shutterstock.com

The following law from North Dakota seems specifically targeted against the unhoused. It states that you cannot legally lie down and fall asleep with shoes on. It could technically be circumvented by taking one’s shoes off even if sleeping in public, but that would leave your shoes at risk of being stolen and your feet cold. You also cannot serve beer and pretzels simultaneously in this state.



Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com

Getting a fish drunk is illegal in Ohio. This law actually seems kind of reasonable and we recommend extending it to all animals! Additionally, it is illegal to duel someone in Ohio, which, again, we think isn’t totally unreasonable.


Picture of a big brown bear

Perpis / Shutterstock.com

If you want to wrestle a bear, there are several states where you could go to do that. However, Oklahoma isn’t one of them as the state legislature banned bear wrestling altogether. This is another law that, while a bit strangely specific, we think is actually a pretty good measure since bear wrestling is dangerous for both the human and the bear.


Pumping gas at gas station

manusapon kasosod / iStock via Getty Images

Hunting is legally permissible in every state. However, in Oregon, the state legislature wants you to know that you cannot hunt in a cemetery without being punished. One of the weirder laws from Oregon that was recently abolished is that drivers were not legally allowed to pump their own gas. Self-service gas stations weren’t allowed and attendants had to do it for you. The state legislature finally made it legal last year (after 72 years) for drivers to pump their own gas.


Still life with treasures, cards, candlestick on a dark background

Volodymyr Baleha / Shutterstock.com

The state of Pennsylvania has a law aimed at self-reported psychics. However, in this case, they limit the methods by which nonpsychics can help them. It is illegal to tell a fortune teller where to dig for buried treasure in Pennsylvania. After all, it would allow the psychic to artificially boost their reputability if they were told the location of something secret and valuable instead of learning it from the aether.

Rhode Island

Dan Henson / Shutterstock.com

Oral amputations aren’t legal in any state and will typically be prosecuted as assault or a different crime. However, in Rhode Island, biting off someone’s limb carries a sentence of between one and 20 years in prison. Additionally, it is illegal to play professional sports on Sundays in Rhode Island.

South Carolina

YesPhotographers / Shutterstock

This is another state where they have laws about animals in bathtubs. It is illegal to keep a horse in a bathtub in South Carolina, which we think is a pretty decent law overall since there’s absolutely no way that a bathtub has enough space for an animal the size of a horse.


cowboy throws a lasso on the isolated background

SvetaZi / Shutterstock.com

Account sharing isn’t legal in Tennessee. You can be punished for sharing your Netflix password with other users in this state, which we think is pretty anticonsumer. You also can’t catch fish using a lasso in this state. We think this law should be repealed on the cool factor alone. How awesome would it be to watch a bunch of people throwing lassos into a lake and coming out with fish?


Billion Photos / Shutterstock

With the state of the global economy, you might have considered selling your organs on the black market either in jest or seriously. However, in Texas, it is specifically illegal to sell your eye. The rest of your body seems to be fair game, but not eyes.


Sea Wave / Shutterstock

Don’t move to Utah if you’re lactose intolerant. It is mandatory to drink milk in Utah, refusing to do so is illegal.


Irina Bg / Shutterstock

If you’re a woman and your teeth fall out, you might run into some issues if you live in Vermont. Women must legally obtain written permission from their husbands before they’re allowed to wear fake teeth in this state.


Rawpixel / Getty Images

Trick-or-treating isn’t legal in Virginia. In this state, it violates the state laws for children to go out trick-or-treating on Halloween.


Sasquatch warning sign attached to a tree in the woods. Blue and black sign. Please do not feed.

Del Harper / Shutterstock.com

In Washington state, bigfoot hunting isn’t legal. It is illegal to harass bigfoot, sasquatch, or any other subspecies of this mythical creature in the state.

Washington D.C.

Santa Claus drinking beer in the bar

Stefano Escandiussi / Shutterstock.com

While Washington D.C. isn’t a state, it does have a unique legal codex. Here are some strange laws from Washington D.C. You cannot take photos in a public place for more than five minutes. Santa Claus’ image cannot be used to sell alcohol. It is illegal to participate in any type of contest for more than 12 hours in any consecutive 24-hour period. Freedom of speech is legal, of course, but exercising your right to speak publicly in the same location for more than 30 days in a row is against the law.

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