



Test Your Knowledge with These 15 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

Test Your Knowledge with These 15 Harry Potter Trivia Questions

There’s no doubt Harry Potter is one of the most beloved franchises in the world. What started as a whimsical series of books has now turned into a multi-billion dollar franchise that includes eight different films, plenty of merchandise, and even a Harry Potter theme park at Universal Orlando.

Even though there are only seven Harry Potter books in the series, there are eight films in total. The final book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” was split into two different films.

While some fans have only seen the films and others love the books and the movies, all fans can agree that the Harry Potter series is filled with important lessons about good vs. evil, friendship, and sacrifice. There are many incredible and memorable moments in the films that have led fans to watch them over and over again.

If you consider yourself to be a Harry Potter super fan, you might think you can answer any Harry Potter trivia question. However, there are plenty of Harry Potter trivia questions that may stump someone who doesn’t know the movies well.

To create this list of Harry Potter trivia questions, 24/7 Tempo consulted numerous entertainment sources, including IMDb, Cosmopolitan, and Reader’s Digest. (Also See Lord of the Rings Trivia Questions: How Many Can You Answer?)

Test your Harry Potter knowledge with these 15 Harry Potter trivia questions and answers.

What is Harry Potter’s middle name?

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Harry’s middle name was also the name of someone incredibly important in his life.

Answer: James

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Even though both of Harry’s parents were killed trying to protect him when he was an infant, they still had an impact on his life. Harry’s middle name was James, after his father.

What is Ron Weasley deathly afraid of?

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In “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” we become aware of the one thing Ron fears more than anything else.

Answer: Spiders

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Ron’s fear of spiders is a recurring theme throughout the books and films. When Hagrid tells Ron and Harry to “follow the spiders,” Ron delivers the iconic line, “Why couldn’t it be ‘follow the butterflies?”

Where was Harry born?

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After Harry’s parents got married, they moved to the place that would become his hometown.

Answer: Godric’s Hollow

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Harry was born in Godric’s Hollow, a village in England. He lived there as an infant with his parents until Voldemort killed them.

What is the name of the wizarding newspaper in London?

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The headquarters of this wizarding newspaper are in Diagon Alley.

Answer: “The Daily Prophet”

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“The Daily Prophet” is the wizarding newspaper based out of London. This paper is delivered to the wizards in Britain by owl.

What is the name of the magical map that shows all of Hogwarts?

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This map shows not only the location of every part of Hogwarts, but also the secret passages and locations of every person inside the school.

Answer: The Marauder’s Map

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The Marauder’s Map even shows the location of ghosts and animals on campus. It can’t be fooled by potions or invisibility cloaks.

Who gave the map to Harry?

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The Marauder’s Map was originally created by Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black III, and James Potter I.

Answer: Fred and George Weasley

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Fred and George Weasley stole the Marauder’s Map from Filch’s office but they gave it to Harry in his third year at Hogwarts.

What is the name of Hermione’s cat?

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Hermione purchased her feline friend from the Magical Menagerie, even though she was originally looking for an owl.

Answer: Crookshanks

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Crookshanks was half-Kneazle, which is a magical beast that looked similar to a cat. This allowed Crookshanks to recognize when someone was untrustworthy and recognize witches and wizards in their Animagus form.

What does Professor McGonagall teach?

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Professor McGonagall, or Minerva McGonagall, plays an important role throughout the Harry Potter series.

Answer: Transfiguration

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After returning to Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall becomes the Head of Gryffindor and the professor of Transfiguration.

What do wizards call someone born to non-magical parents?

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Witches and wizards in Britain have their own name for non-magical people, or people with two non-magic parents.

Answer: A muggle

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In the wizarding world in Britain, witches and wizards call a person born to two non-magic parents a Muggle. Although it was typically not meant to be derogatory, the term Mudblood was intended to be offensive.

Where is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets?

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The entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is in the same place where Moaning Myrtle hangs out.

Answer: The girls’ bathroom

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Harry and Ron discovered the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is in the girls’ bathroom on the second floor. The entrance could be opened by giving a command to one of the snakes engraved on a broken sink.

What is Voldemort’s real name?

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Aside from his real name, Lord Voldemort was also known as the Dark Lord and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

Answer: Tom Marvolo Riddle

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Voldemort’s mother named him after his birth father and her father. He was raised in an orphanage after his mother died giving birth to him.

What is the name of Voldemort’s snake?

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Voldemort’s snake was also one of his Horcruxes and carried a part of his soul inside her.

Answer: Nagini

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Voldemort was incredibly fond of Nagini and was the only living thing he showed any affection for. To Voldemort’s dismay, Neville Longbottom ended up killing Nagini.

What does Harry use to destroy Tom Riddle’s diary?

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Harry discovered Tom Riddle’s diary was one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes.

Answer: A basilisk fang

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Tom Riddle’s diary was the first Horcrux Voldemort created after the basilisk killed Myrtle Warren. Harry was able to successfully destroy the diary by stabbing it with the fang of the basilisk.

How many players does a Quidditch team have?

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Quidditch is the most popular sport within the wizarding world and at Hogwarts, each house has its own Quidditch team.

Answer: Seven players

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Each Quidditch team has seven players, which include three chasers, two beaters, one seeker, and one keeper.

What position does Harry play in Quidditch?

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Harry started playing Quidditch during his first year at Hogwarts. Additionally, he was the youngest player to be on a Quidditch team in over a hundred years.

Answer: Seeker

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Harry plays the position of seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. There is only one seeker per team and their goal is to catch the Golden Snitch. (Don’t miss these Movie Trivia Questions: How Many Can You Answer?)

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