



Baby Boomer Expressions That Have Fallen by the Wayside

Baby Boomer Expressions That Have Fallen by the Wayside

Every generation has its own set of words or phrases that set it apart from those that came before, and Baby Boomers are no different. The Austin Powers films, which parody spy movies from the ‘60s, showcase just how distant we’ve become from the slang of that time.

The slang of the 1960s was shaped by drug culture, rock ‘n’ roll lyrics, the hippie movement, and anti-Vietnam war protests. 

24/7 Tempo has compiled a list of words and phrases Baby Boomers say that no else understands, drawing on sources including Your Dictionary and Owlcation

Some of these words and phrases predate even the oldest Baby Boomers. “Bread” was a term for money as early as the 1930s (and incidentally bread’s pre-baked form, “dough,” has been applied to money since the Civil War era). “Trippin’” (spelled with a final “g”) was first recorded with its current meaning of being under the influence of drugs in the 1920s. (Here is a list of Canadian slang and phrases Americans just don’t understand.)

Here are some Baby Boomers expressions that have fallen by the wayside:

Blow one’s mind

MASSIVE / The Image Bank via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Amaze, strongly affect


Marijuana on display at Raspbe... by The Alaska Landmine
alaska-landmine / Flickr
  • Meaning: Hog a marijuana joint


Morsa Images / DigitalVision via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Leaving in haste, going very fast


Bundesarchiv Bild 183-U1007-0016, Berlin, 30. Jahrestag DDR-Gru00fcndung, Parade by German Federal Archive
German Federal Archive / Wikimedia Commons
  • Meaning: Excellent


Kativ / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Money


stockstudioX / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: A marijuana cigarette

Far out

Public Domain / Rawpixel
  • Meaning: Excellent, awesome; a phrase of approval

Flower child

michelangeloop / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: A hippie, especially one wearing flowers in their hair

Flower power

Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Meaning: The peace-and-love ideology of flower children (see above), especially by anti-war protesters during Vietnam War era


atlantic-kid / iStock Editorial via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Police

Getting fried

Tom Kelley Archive / Retrofile RF via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Getting high on drugs, getting very drunk

Gimme some skin

YurolaitsAlbert / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Shake my hand

Hang loose

Express / Moviepix via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Relax, live in the moment


Shanina / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Enjoyable, out of sight


Deagreez / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Disgusting, revolting, filthy


sjharmon / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Excellent, awesome; a phrase of approval (see “far out,” above)


redhumv / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: An inhibition, problem, source of difficulty

Head trip

Bobbushphoto / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Mentally stimulating experience (as with LSD), ego trip, something confusing or deceiving


Couple (1970) by Ion Chibzii
Ion Chibzii / Wikimedia Commons
  • Meaning: Serious, meaningful, of great import

Keep on truckin’

kieferpix / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Don’t be discouraged, keep going

Lay it on me

Tom Kelley Archive / Retrofile RF via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Tell me what’s on your mind, give me something

Making the scene

Lisa-Blue / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Showing up for an event or party

The Man

cabhc / Flickr
  • Meaning: An authority figure, a policeman, the government


img183 by daves_archive _inactive at current time
foundin_a_attic / Flickr
  • Meaning: Laid back, less agitated or aggressive, often after smoking marijuana

The munchies

H. Armstrong Roberts / Retrofile RF via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Hunger or imagine hunger, often after smoking marijuana

Out of sight

Woodstock-kids by Ric Manning
Ric Manning / Wikimedia Commons
  • Meaning: Great, cool; a term of approval

Peel out

mcdomx / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Leave fast and usually loudly, as in a car


CREATISTA / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Outsmart, deceive/excited, mentally ready

Right on

Ridofranz / Getty Images
  • Meaning: I strongly agree, good for you


master1305 / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Disgusting person

Spaced out

LumiNola / E+ via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Distracted; not fully conscious of one’s surroundings


Bobbushphoto / iStock Unreleased via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Under the influence of usually LSD or some other psychedelic

Up tight

AaronAmat / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Anxious, nervous, rigidly conservative

Way out

RapidEye / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: Beyond explanation, very unusual

What’s your bag?

Studio Grand Web / iStock via Getty Images
  • Meaning: What are you interested in? What’s your problem?
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