



Obscure Sports You Probably Didn’t Know You Can Bet On

Closeup of people playing rock, paper and scissors on wooden background, top view

Obscure Sports You Probably Didn’t Know You Can Bet On

If you’re looking for something outside of the sports-betting mainstream and want to make some money, then you need to look into these obscure sports you probably didn’t know you can bet on.

You’ll be amazed by these wacky sports and even more intrigued by the fact that you can place bets on each one of them. Some of the sports are completely fictional, like Quidditch, which is the sport they play in the “Harry Potter” series. You can find Quidditch championships around the country and bet on the winner. While that may seem wild, it’s one of the more normal sports on this list.

If you love animals, you’ll find many ways to make some extra bucks. You can bet on reindeer racing, which is like horse racing but with real reindeer. For something crazier, try ferret bingo. It’s like it sounds. They unleash a bunch of ferrets into a maze complete with obstacles, and you get to bet on which numbered tunnel they’ll come out of first. If you’re looking for even more action, try cornhole or mountain unicycling.

To find and learn more about these obscure sports you can actually bet on, 24/7 Tempo researched many different sports and gambling sites, including The Sports Geek, sportsbet.io, Only Players, and we checked out some obscure spots on Reddit. We think you’ll find these sports to be so wild that you’ll be reaching for your wallet, eager to make a wager. (For more crazy sports stories, check out this list of the best and worst ceremonial first pitches in baseball.)

Sumo Wrestling

Amateur sumo wrestler

mTaira / Shutterstock.com

While many people may have heard of sumo wrestling, most don’t get to see it and don’t know they can place bets. However, go to Japan or watch online, and you can bet on your favorite rikishi (large wrestler) to win their next battle. Every year, there are sumo tournaments called “honbasho” in Japan. The tournaments last 15 days and take place in different cities in the country.

Bettors can bet on who will win individual matches or win the entire tournament. However, betting is generally frowned upon in Japan, so you’ll have to do it quietly. 

Harness Racing

Racing horses trots and rider on a track of stadium. Competitions for trotting horse racing. Horses compete in harness racing. Horse runing at the track with rider.

Scatto61 / Shutterstock.com

This sport is described as a type of horse racing, but instead of riding the horse, the jockey sits back in a two-wheeled cart, which is often called a chariot, spider, or sulky. The races are not as fast as a typical horse race. Instead, the horses move by either pacing or trotting. Even with a slower race, there can only be one winner.

Bettors who are looking to make big bucks can bet on harness racing and potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars. The betting is allowed because the money wagered is often used to finance the sport. 


volleyball. blue with yellow color ball on the playground. volleyball cover, red. ball game

Andrew Angelov / Shutterstock.com

Yes, this is one of the obscure sports from literature. This was the sport of choice of Harry Potter and friends. The players can’t fly on brooms, but they make do and try to stay as close to the book as possible. Essentially, the players run around trying to throw volleyballs through hoops.

There’s even a U.S. Quidditch League that’s been around since 2010. That means you can bet on individual games as well as which team will win the division and more. If you’re looking for betting action near you or online, you can also search for quadball. 

Cow Chip Tossing

herd of hereford cows in green grassy pasture on agricultural farm brown and white cows with white faces looking at camera in the countryside horizontal format room for type beef industry background

Shawn Hamilton / Shutterstock.com

This sport is as disgusting as it is simplistic. A cow chip is another word for a piece of cow poop. This is not a worldwide sport. Instead, it was born in Beaver, Oklahoma. That’s also where the World Championship Cow Chip Tossing Contest is held. To play, the contestants pick up the cow chip and throw it as far as they can. The winner is the one who throws it the furthest.

The record for the farthest throw, which was achieved in 2015, is 188 feet and 6 inches. Bettors can wager on their favorite player or big money.


Cornhole game set, process of throwing bean bags, kids children tossing bean sacks, corn hole in the backyard, wooden boards for corn-hole tournament in the summer sunny day

Tsuguliev / Shutterstock.com

The name of this game may differ based on where you live. Many people call it “cornhole,” while others call it “bags,” “bean bag toss,” or even “soft horseshoes.” Regardless of the name, the game is always the same. You throw soft bags onto a board on the other side. Get it in the hole to get the most points. Many people play the game for fun when hanging out in the backyard.

However, the competitors are on another level and most of them never miss. Go to a gambling website like DraftKings to bet on your favorite players.


Blue and yellow curling rocks during play.

BarryMcC / Shutterstock.com

If you’ve paid attention during the Winter Olympics, you likely came across the sport of curling. It’s when players slide a stone down an icy surface and use brooms to sweep the ice and make the stone go as far as possible to land in a circular target. The closer the stone gets to the target, the more points the player gets.

The sport is often joked about, but it’s a serious sport for many, especially in Canada. If you want to make some cash and know how the sport works, you can bet on it by visiting some niche gambling sites.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Closeup of people playing rock, paper and scissors on wooden background, top view

New Africa / Shutterstock.com

The game you played as a kid is just as popular today as ever, and you can get into the action as a bettor. There are rock, paper, and scissors competitions in many countries around the world, from Canada to the United States and the U.K. The competitions will have slightly different rules, but there can only be one winner.

Go to niche gambling sites, and you can bet on the winners along with other categories. It would help if you research some of the players and look at their records before you fork over your cash.

Ferret Bingo

Ferrets are small, long-bodied mammals with short legs. They are known for their playful and curious nature.

IMRAN siddiqi / Shutterstock.com

If you’re ready to bet on one of the most obscure sports you can ever imagine, then find your local ferret bingo championship. In essence, the game involves putting ferrets in a maze that comes complete with various numbers, tunnels, and obstacles. The point is to determine which numbered tunnel the ferret will come out of.

Don’t worry, there are usually triggers in place that ensure that two ferrets don’t choose the same number. The bettor places their bet on who may win, and one of them emerges victorious. 

Reindeer Racing

Portrait of a reindeer with massive antlers pulling sleigh in snow, Tromso region, Northern Norway

zaclaharia / Shutterstock.com

One of the most obscure sports you can probably imagine is reindeer racing, but the sport is real, and you can make bets on the action. You’ll have to travel to Scandinavia because that’s where reindeer are more than just in a Christmas story. They’re found everywhere, so they’re great for racing. This is much like horse racing, where there are jockeys hanging on as the deer run close to 30 mph.

The sport’s been around since 1901 and it’s a ton of fun. You can bet on first-, second-, and third-place finishers and make good money.

Mountain Unicycling 

A unicyclist in the French Alps, on the way to Col du Cros

Kateryna Deineka / Shutterstock.com

This might be the most challenging sport on this list. If you’ve never ridden a unicycle, it’s almost impossible without a ton of practice. Now, imagine riding one up a mountain during a heated competition. As a spectator, it’s a ton of fun to see, and you can watch them compete online. Spectators watch mountain unicycling competitions that take place in the U.S., Australia, and Switzerland.

The competitors have to be incredibly strong to stay on the cycle, so it’s a ton of fun to watch. Fans even have their favorite competitors and can place bets on them. 

Video Game Sports

Girl in headphones plays a video game on the big TV screen. Gamer with a joystick. Online gaming with friends, win, prize. Fun entertainment. Teens play adventure games. Back view. Neon lighting

Anton27 / Shutterstock.com

One of the obscure sports you can bet on is one that many kids play every day, and that’s eSports, or video games about sports. There are eSports about baseball, basketball, football, and more. Just like with those major sports, bettors can bet on a player to win a single game or an entire tournament. eSports are becoming so popular that the International Olympic Committee is considering adding some of them as official Olympic games. (If you want to learn more about the wild world of eSports, start with this list of the best and worst sports video games.)

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