



Growing Up in the ’70s: Things Every Kid Used To Do

Vintage 1970s  family photo in the sun

Growing Up in the ’70s: Things Every Kid Used To Do

Ah, the Seventies. There were no cell phones and hardly anyone had answering machines. If you weren’t home and you missed a call, you were out of luck. Kids roamed the neighborhood in packs all day, only coming home in the evening for dinner. Although personal computers were around, not many families had one. It was a simpler time and people didn’t have the close connection with technology that we have today.

Of course, things like safety, such as in cars, were barely an afterthought. There were no airbags or shoulder seat belts, and a lot of people didn’t even bother buckling up. Kids rode in front — and not in car seats (which weren’t even legally required in all states until 1985). And yet, there was a sense of freedom for a kid growing up in the ’70s. Many things kids did on a regular basis in the ’70s would be unheard of today. (Also check out the biggest headlines from 1970.)

24/7 Tempo took a nostalgia trip to the ’70s to seek childhood traditions that should come back. We referenced sources such as Things Boomers Like, an online community devoted to remembering all the good things about growing up in the baby boomer and Gen-X eras.

Going Trick or Treating Without Parents

Photo by Tim Clayton / Corbis via Getty Images

Most kids went trick-or-treating on Halloween without their parents.

Watching TV Stations Go Off the Air

Retro TV In A Room With Ugly 1970s Vintage Wallpaper
Mr Doomits / Shutterstock.com

Television programming went off the air in the early morning hours.

Riding in the Back of a Station Wagon

English: CZmarlin — Christopher Ziemnowicz, a photo credit would be appreciated if this image is used anywhere other than Wikipedia., CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Station wagons were a popular mode of transportation for families in the 1970s.

Playing Pong on the Computer

Atari Super Pong by Fru00c3u00a9du00c3u00a9ric BISSON
zigazou76 / Flickr

Pong was an early computer game that transfixed gamers.

Playing Pac-Man and Space Invaders

Coentor, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Pac-Man and Space Invaders were popular video games in the 1970s.

Going to the Roller Rink on Weekends

Roller skates
Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Roller skating on Friday nights was a big deal.

Learning All the Disco Moves

John Vance / Wikimedia Commons

Inspired by John Travolta in “Saturday Night Fever,” people learned how to do dances like the Hustle.

Watching the Parade of Saturday Night Sitcoms on CBS

gothopotam / Flickr

Sitcoms like “The Mary Tyler Moore Show’ dominated Saturday night television viewing.

Never Missing ‘Saturday Night Live’

retro interior
vicnt / iStock via Getty Images

Families gathered around the TV to watch “Saturday Night Live” which began its run in 1975.

Looking for the Parts To Fix Your First Car

Fort Mustang
Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

People who knew how to fix cars headed for the junkyard or cannibalized parts from other cars to keep their wheels on the road.

Music Choices in Vinyl, Cassette, and 8-Track

One audio cassette tape lying on a pile of audio cassettes lying on top of each other
Roman Kybus / Shutterstock.com

Besides vinyl, music lovers had other formats such as cassettes and 8-tracks to enjoy their favorite tunes.

Going to Drive-In Movies

Jewelsy / iStock via Getty Images

Families and friends piled into their cars to watch drive-in movies.

Watching Cartoons After School and on Weekend Mornings

Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines (1965)
Courtesy of CBS

Kids who found it difficult to get up for school during the week had no trouble rising early to watch cartoons on the weekends.

Playing License-Plate Poker on Family Vacations

NNehring / Getty Images

Families fought off the boredom of long road trips by playing license-plate poker.

Hanging Out at Record Stores Waiting for Newest Releases

Close up of a record player playing vinyl. Retro Vinyl Turntable Stylus
Kamyshnikova Viktoria / Shutterstock.com

Kids met at record stores to track down the latest releases from American and British bands.

Piling Friends Into Your First Car

kenmo / iStock Editorial via Getty Images

The number of friends multiplied once you got your first car and everyone crowded in.

Prizes Inside Cereal Boxes

pamela_d_mcadams / iStock via Getty Images

Cereal boxes contained prizes inside such as a whistle or small plastic toy.

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