



Native American History Trivia Questions

Native American History Trivia Questions

Long before Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the New World, Native American tribes were living on the land that’s now considered the United States. Given the harsh weather that a large percentage of Americans experience, it’s amazing to consider what Native Americans went through without the aid of technology. Compared to the Europeans, Native Americans weren’t advanced, but they knew how to live off of the land. There are plenty of trivia questions about Native Americans that most people don’t know the answers to. 

For example, one Native American city was the most populated area in North America for nearly 1,000 years. What’s even more amazing to think about is that the city was located in the midwestern part of the United States. It faced winters that would be unbearable, even in 2024. Native Americans relied on animals like buffalo to provide them with warm clothing and blankets for heat. The Native Americans figured out how to survive in those conditions in that city, but what’s the name of it?

Another trivia question to think about is what happened during the Indian Removal Act of 1830. As time progressed in the United States, Native Americans couldn’t keep up with the advancements that were taking place in the United States. Rather than trying to work together, the government decided it was in their best interest to come up with the Indian Removal Act. What did the Removal Act state? For more trivia questions, click here to test your American football knowledge. 

To compile this trivia of Native American history, 24/7 Tempo consulted history-related sources. These include History.com, World History Encyclopedia, and Britannica. 

What Native American city was the largest in North America for almost 800 years?

Source: Pascal Huot/ Shutterstock
The city was located in present-day Illinois.

Native Americans lived with large groups of people. It was the easiest way to ensure everyone was safe and accounted for. Even Native Americans lived in large towns, much like people in 2024. One town, in particular, was known as the largest in North American between 600 and 1350 C.E. For nearly 800 years, this one town was where people who wanted to be part of a larger community migrated. What was the name of the town?


Source: Kent Raney/ Shutterstock
This is what the town looks like from above in 2024.

Cahokia was a town that was located in what would now be considered Illinois in 2024. The city was one of the main places where Native Americans came to trade the goods that they had. It was also one of the most important religious places for Native Americans to visit. Today, the town is home to a UNESCO world heritage site. People from around the world visit to see what life was like for Native Americans before technology.  

What crops were first cultivated by Native Americans?

Source: Bits And Splits/ Shutterstock
There were a lot of crops that were first planted by Native Americans.

Even in 2024, people still eat food that comes naturally from the ground. As time has gone on, there have been amazing new harvesting methods that people use for their own food. However, some of the crops that society eats today were first harvested by Native Americans. The groups of people needed to become experts in planting and harvesting so their tribes could continue to flourish. What crops were first cultivated by Native Americans?


Single ear of corn isolated on white background as package design element
Source: Kovaleva_Ka / Shutterstock.com
Native Americans were known for growing corn.

There were plenty of crops that Native Americans harvested first. One of the most important happens to be corn. In 2024, there are plenty of things corn is used for. It wasn’t the only crop that Native Americans harvested, though. Things like tobacco, beans, potatoes, and tomatoes are just some of what Native Americans grew. It’s one of the reasons why Native American meals are so vast and full of flavor. 

What is the Seven Generations principle?

Source: tomertu/ Shutterstock
The Seven Generations principle has to do with family.

Native Americans think about the future and how they’ll impact the world. If they kill a buffalo, they use every part of the animal to ensure that it didn’t only die for food. There are plenty of uses for the skin, bones, and even organs. The big decision of where to settle down is another subject Native Americans don’t take lightly. These all come back to the Seven Generations principle. What exactly is this principle that’s such a focal point in the lives of Native Americans?


Source: SALMONNEGRO-STOCK/ Shutterstock
Always think about future generations when making a decision.

As stated in the name, whenever a Native American make a decision, they must think about how the decision will affect the seventh generation that’s coming in the future. If it’s something that isn’t going to help the future generation, then Native Americans don’t do it. The choices Native Americans make must stay in line with the values and beliefs Native American generations lived with long ago. 

What did the Indian Removal Act of 1830 declare?

Source: joi54/ Shutterstock
What were Native Americans forced to do after this act?

There has always been a challenging history between the United States and Native Americans. While the founding fathers felt like they owned the land when they arrived in the New World, Native Americans had already been there for generations. The two tried to work together and coexist, but the founding fathers wanted to own the entire area without any pushback. Native Americans didn’t have the fire power to fight back when the Indian Removal Act of 1830 was released. What did this act say?


Source: PhotoPaper/ Shutterstock
President Andrew Jackson signed it into place.

Rather than work together, the United States government forced Native Americans who were east of the Mississippi River to relocate to west of the river, primarily to Oklahoma. However, as time as gone on, society’s realized how wrong it was to displace people from their homes. After all, many generations lived there for years. It’s challenging to make up for the errors of the past, though. Some believe it would no longer make difference to bring Native Americans back to the place they once called home. 

How many Native American languages are there?

Source: HannaTor/ Shutterstock
There are plenty of languages.

Despite living near each other, seemingly each Native American tribe has their own language. This is one reason why it was difficult for every tribe to band together and fight back against the United States government when they were being displaced. Had there only been one language, there’s a chance America could look a lot different in 2024. But, how many different Native American languages are there?


Source: HannaTor/ Shutterstock
More than 500 different languages are spoken.

There were up to 500 different languages spoken by various Native American tribes throughout North America. When Spanish explorers landed in Mexico, much like the founding fathers of the United States, they were greeted by plenty of different languages. In 2024, there are far fewer Native American languages still spoken on the reservations around the country. It’s possible to learn Native American languages the same way you’d learn any other language like Spanish, French, or Portuguese. 

How many Native American tribes are federally recognized?

Source: OD-Pictureworks/ Shutterstock
There are different Native American tribes around the United States.

Native Americans broke up into different tribes all around the United States. Each one became known for their own special reasons. Some were known for their hunting abilities, while others were known for their cooking skills. However, only some of these tribes are recognized by the government. How many Native American tribes are federally recognized?


Source: SALMONNEGRO-STOCK/ Shutterstock
Half of the tribes are in Alaska.

There are 574 federally recognized Native American tribes in the United States. Nearly half of these people are found in Alaska. As time has gone on, Alaska has become one of the main places where Native Americans settle down. They’re used to living off the land and having tons of wild animals around. There are more Native American tribes of course, but they haven’t all recieved the same federal respect or acknowledgement. For more trivia questions, click here to test your “Godfather” knowledge.  

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