



10 Warning Signs You’re Overlooking Your Physical Fitness

10 Warning Signs You’re Overlooking Your Physical Fitness

With the advent of screens, the internet, and working from home, people live more sedentary lives than ever. This causes all sorts of problems for the body. Luckily, many health problems can be alleviated or even vanquished through regular exercise. It’s important, however, to first understand what health symptoms are associated with lack of movement. As such, here are 10 warning signs you’re overlooking your physical fitness.

(For other warning signs about your body, here are 28 warning signs that you are in bad health.)

To compile a list of the warning signs you’re overlooking your physical fitness, 24/7 Tempo consulted a range of scientific and lifestyle sites including WebMD as well as John Hopkins Medicine. From there, we selected a variety of issues that affect different parts of the body and brain. After that, we confirmed the information using various scientific studies such as the ones from JAMA Internal Medicine, the National Library of Medicine, and the Journal of Sport and Health Science.

Here are 10 signs you’re overlooking your physical health:

Lower Back Pain

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One warning sign that you’re overlooking your physical fitness is lower back pain. If you’re spending a lot of time in bed, on the couch, or at a desk for work, you’ll probably start experiencing lower back pain. Unless you already suffer from an underlying condition that causes back pain, chances are you need to move your body more.

A systematic study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found the most likely culprit in most reports of lower back pain is a lack of exercise. Any fitness training will help develop your lower back muscles, helping to support your back whether you are sitting or standing for long periods.

Bad Sleep

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By tiring the body out, it can fall asleep easier and stay asleep.

Sleep is the wellspring of all healthy body activity. Though the jury is still out on exactly what sleep does for the body, a lack of it will surely make you feel bad. Even if you drink a fair amount of coffee per day, yet still feel groggy, there’s a good chance you aren’t moving your body enough.

A study published by Advances in Preventative Medicine found a strong correlation between physical activity and good sleep. By working out you tire your body out, which makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep once you’re under. Put simply, exercise will improve the quality of your sleep, especially the deep sleep part of the sleeping cycle.

Mood Swings

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Exercise can help stabilize mood due to better blood circulation as well as tempering the part of your brain that reacts to stress.

Feeling cranky then happy then cranky again throughout the day but not sure why? It might be that you’re not getting enough physical exercise. Most people blame their mood swings on life circumstances, but more than one scientific study has found physical exercise can combat feelings of drastically shifting moods.

According to a study published in The Primary Care Companion, exercise can stabilize mood due to better blood circulation as well as influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis of the brain. Since it is the part of the brain that creates reactions to stress, exercise can help regulate calmness in the body and help you react more rationally to stressful situations.

Irregular Bowel Movements

Source: Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty Images
If you’re not getting much physical movement, the digestive system is encouraged to follow suit.

Another warning sign that you’re overlooking your physical fitness is bad digestion and irregular bowel movements. The body works like a finely tuned machine, and if you live a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, your digestive system will follow your example and slow down its movement.

According to the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, movement of the body encourages movement in the colon. Issues like constipation or even chronic constipation can benefit from regular exercise. Plus, the development of your muscles, especially core muscles, will help in producing successful bowel movements.

Inability to Focus

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Regular aerobic exercise improves alertness as well as your brain’s ability to store new information.

Spacing out more often during meetings or even in one-on-one conversations but not sure why? You’re probably not getting enough physical exercise. A common response to sedentary living is an inability to focus even on the most basic tasks at hand. This is because exercise improves focus and comprehension.

According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, exercise, or lack thereof, can have a profound effect on your cognitive abilities. Any type of aerobic exercise helps reshape the brain for better performance. What’s more, regular exercise can improve alertness as well as your brain’s ability to store new information. Next time you lose focus, ask yourself how much you’ve been exercising.

Feelings of Stress and Tension

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Exercise helps the body reset its reactions to stressful situations.

Another warning sign that you’re overlooking your physical fitness is feelings of stress and tension. Sure, life gets in the way and can naturally cause moments of stress, but what most people don’t realize is that regular exercise will help you deal with those moments much more effectively.

When the body undergoes stress, it often manifests as headaches, muscle tightness, neck pain, or even a clenched jaw. By exercising, the body is given a chance to reset its reactions to stress. While this may not get to the root of your stress issues, it will surely help lessen the symptoms and get a more collected perspective on said issues. (For different types of health warnings, here are the biggest health mistakes people make in the summertime.)


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Movement allows anxious energy to be released from the body.

A big warning sign that you’re overlooking your physical fitness is constant feelings of anxiety. Those sweaty palms, racing hearts, and feelings of dread can be relieved through regular exercise. A lack of movement means that anxious energy has nowhere to go, leaving you feeling worse for wear.

According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, regular exercise can help with those panicked, anxious feelings. Sure, cutting down on caffeine can help too, but the Association suggests that even one session of intense exercise can alleviate feelings of anxiety for hours after you’re workout. All those endorphins produced by exercise will help with feelings of calm.

Always Sick

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A lack of exercise suggests a lack of a healthy immune system.

If you find yourself sick all the time, at the mercy of every passing cold, it could be because your lifestyle is too sedentary. A lack of movement has a negative correlation with the functioning of your immune system. Various scientific studies have shown that a lack of exercise means a lack of good immune health.

One such study published by the Journal of Sport and Health Science found that regular exercise improves immune system health for several reasons. For one, exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body through different pathways. Plus, exercise improves metabolic health, which enhances the ability of the immune system to function properly.

Dull Skin

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Exercise helps improve blood flow to the skin as well as prevent signs of aging.

Looking in the mirror and finding yourself disappointed in the pallid, sallow look of your skin? There’s a good chance you aren’t exercising enough. Before you buy expensive skin creams or other various elixirs, consider incorporating more exercise into your routine. It will help improve your complexion and the color quality of your skin.

According to the experts at U.S. Dermatology Partners, regular exercise will have noticeable effects on your skin quality. Not only does exercise help prevent and reverse signs of aging, but the improved blood flow that comes with physical activity will nourish your skin cells as well as remove their built-up toxins.

High Blood Pressure

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Another warning sign you’ve been overlooking your physical fitness is high blood pressure. A high blood pressure diagnosis from a doctor is one of those things that can be more dangerous the longer it’s ignored. Luckily, regular exercise and a good diet can help you avoid medication and lower your blood pressure naturally.

According to the Mayo Clinic, regular exercise helps strengthen the heart, which is what your body needs to lower its blood pressure. A quick 30-minute exercise session will help you steadily lower your blood pressure reading. What’s more, blood pressure will drop 1 millimeter of mercury (mm Hg) with every 2.2 pounds of weight lost.

(For more health and weight loss tips, here are the best ways to keep weight off if you’re over 40.)

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