There are many reasons to buy items in bulk. You may be a parent with a house full of kids who constantly demand food and materials to be stocked. You may be a busy, career-minded individual who doesn’t have time to shop. Your situation may also be that you like to save money whenever and however you can. If any of these apply to you, you’ve likely heard the advice that you should join a big box store like Costco or sign up for automatic delivery from Amazon. Whatever you decide, we’re here to tell you that there are several items you should always buy in bulk.
We recommend many different items in various categories. One is food. If you find that you never have enough cereal, you’re always running out of coffee, or you constantly cook rice and pasta for dinner because you’re crunched for time, then you need to buy bulk. There are also various nonfood items that you should stock up on to be safe. We’re talking about light bulbs, diapers, laundry detergent, vitamins, and more. There are also items most people use all of the time, like paper towels and toilet paper, so buying in bulk is a no-brainer.
We’ve made this list to make your life easier and show how you can save money when purchasing items for your family. To determine the items you should always buy in bulk, 24/7 Tempo looked into the best deals provided by companies like Amazon and Walmart. We also consulted money-saving sites such as US News Money to get their take. All-in-all, we think we have a good list. (If you’re interested in where you can live to save and make even more money, visit this page that details the minimum wage in every state.)
If you’re a new parent or a parent of a toddler, then buying diapers in bulk should be a no-brainer. Newborns and young babies can easily go through five to 10 diapers a day, so even if you get a 30-pack, you’ll run through those quickly. You’ll save money and always have what you need if you buy your diapers in bulk. Plus, doing so will avoid the need to continuously go to the store, and that’s good since doing so regularly is tough when you have young children in your care.
Folders, markers, and school supplies
Once your kids start attending school, you’ll want to stock up on school supplies. Every year, parents get a list of items that the kids need for the school year. Most times, that list includes the same items, including markers, pens, pencils, folders, and notebooks. You never know when prices will go up, and you’re going to need them anyway, so buy them in bulk and eliminate the headache.
Laundry detergent
Once again, if you’re a parent, then you need to think ahead. Buying laundry detergent in bulk, or at least two containers at once instead of one, can save you when your kids come in with a sudden mess or food stain. Instead of reaching for an empty bottle, buy in bulk and always have what you need.
If you don’t buy vitamins in bulk, at least add them to a subscription service like the one available on Amazon. It’s typically cheaper that way, and you’ll have the vitamins delivered to your door so you and your kids are never left without.
Canned soup
Whether you live alone or with a family, soup can be your best friend. It’s a very easy meal to make when you’re rushed at lunch, you’re late for dinner or otherwise pressed for time. Buy several varieties and store them and eat at your leisure. Just don’t forget to check expiration dates if you leave soup in the cabinet for a long time.
If you’re buying coffee at all, then you probably drink it regularly. If you’re having at least one or two cups of coffee every day, then you’re likely going through your pods or coffee beans quickly. Buy in bulk, and you’ll have what you need at all times. Set a recurring shipment on Amazon, and you’ll never need to leave the house to get your fix.
Food storage bags
You can never have enough Ziploc and plastic bags lying around. They’re great for storing food, loose items like nuts and bolts, kids’ toys and more. You never know when you’re going to need one, and it’s irritating if you don’t have one in a time of need. Buy a few boxes in bulk and be ready for the inevitable.
Pet food
When your dog, cat, parakeet, or anything in between eats the same food every day, it would be a waste of time to continue going to the store. Thus, pet food is one of the items you should always buy in bulk. However, keep in mind that pet food is perishable, so keep an eye on expiration dates.
Olive oil
If you cook with olive oil often, don’t buy a small container. Instead, buy bulk or buy a large container. You’ll avoid constant visits to the grocery store and you’ll save money over the long run. Most olive oil will last up to two years, so there are no worries about expiration.
Paper towels
There’s nothing worse than having a sudden spill in your kitchen or living room, reaching for a paper towel, and learning that you’ve run out. To avoid that potential nightmare, purchase your paper towels in bulk. You’ll also pay a lower price and save a few dollars. Buy in bulk from Amazon or a store like Costco or Walmart.
Toilet paper
While you likely reach for the paper towels throughout the day, you’re probably going for the toilet paper more. It’s not worth your time or money to buy toilet paper in a two- or four-pack, especially if you have a large family. If you have several children, buy toilet paper in bulk packs of at least 24 and consider picking up another bulk pack every time you go to the store. Sometimes, you can also save up to 50% by buying more at once.
Protein bars
If you eat them as a protein supplement or as a snack at lunch for you or for the kids, it can’t hurt to stock up on protein bars. They’re inexpensive and easy. Plus, their shelf life is almost indefinite. It’s also a good idea to buy protein bars and store them in a first aid kit or in the car so you have something safe to eat in case of an emergency.
Conditioner and shampoo
The decision to buy just about anything in bulk is made easier if you have a large family. You’ll go through most items quickly and grocery store runs will be frequent. Since your family needs to be clean, they’ll likely go through many bottles of shampoo and conditioner, so buy in bulk and never be left high and dry. Store them under the sink and you won’t hear anyone screaming from the shower that they’ve run out.
Greeting cards
This is one of the genius frustration- and time-saving hacks that you need to know. Buy greeting cards in bulk, and you’ll never be shocked or stressed when you realize someone’s birthday is coming up. Just get one out, write something nice inside, and send it off. If you go this route, buy generic cards that you can send to anyone.
If you love to bake and cook, adding butter to the list of items you should always buy in bulk is a great idea. Sticks and tubs of butter go quickly, so you’ll want to have what you need. Plus, the last thing you want while making the perfect dessert is to stop in the middle to run to the store, so buy in bulk and be ready.
In this case, buying in bulk would be like buying a 24-pack instead of a six-pack for a party at your home. You’ll save money, you can keep the extras in your fridge after they leave, and you won’t have to run out of the house during the party if you run out of drinks.
Regardless of how much technology evolves, most devices still use batteries, so you can never have enough. Batteries are among the items you should always buy in bulk, especially AA and AAA batteries. This is especially true if you have kids who have toys that use batteries. Get them in bulk and put them in a cabinet. Don’t worry about them going bad because they have a long shelf life.
There’s a reason that grocery stores sell toothpaste in packs of two or more. They know that busy families and parents will need a lot of it. You should not put your own or your child’s dental health on the back burner. Brushing your and their teeth every day is a must. Plus, though the multipack may cost more upfront, it will be cheaper over the long run, so it’s a no-brainer.
Trash bags
Buying trash bags in bulk is a must, especially if you have a full household. You don’t want to let garbage pile up on its own, and grocery bags are compact and typically easy to store. Plus, garbage bags are helpful for holding a lot of other stuff, not just garbage, so it doesn’t hurt to have more on hand.
Hand soap
Whether you live alone or with kids, it’s important that you wash your hands every time you use the bathroom, cook, clean, or touch anything unsanitary. Have a soap dispenser near every sink. With that said, it’s unreal how quickly hand soap can go, and all of the sudden, you seem to be out of it. Buy in bulk, and whenever you run out, you can reach under the sink for a refill.
Light bulbs
Like batteries, you can seemingly never have enough light bulbs sitting around. Many lamps will take medium base 60-watt bulbs, so buy them or whatever other type of bulb you need in bulk and store them in the closet. There’s nothing more annoying than having a burned-out bulb and nothing to replace it with. Who wants to travel to the hardware store or wait for them to be delivered from Amazon and be left in the dark?
Ever notice how expensive one box of cereal can be? If you buy one box at a time, you’ll end up spending a lot more than if you bought them in bulk. When you buy cereal as part of a combo pack, you’ll find that you’re saving a lot more than when you purchase them individually. Plus, if you and your family love cereal as much as most people do, you want to ensure you’re always stocked at breakfast time.
If you’re a parent or someone who’s constantly on the go, then do yourself a favor and buy your rice in bulk. Rice has a long shelf life with many varieties lasting two years or more, so you don’t have to worry about it sitting around. This may be the easiest go-to when you’re late for dinner or want to make something easy.
Like rice, pasta is very easy to make when you get home late or you need to cook dinner for the kids at the last minute. Plus, there are many different ways you can make pasta, so you’ll always serve your family a variety of meals. There are many different noodle varieties you can buy, and if you like a little kick, try some options from this list of the 20 spiciest instant noodles.