



Famous TV Catchphrases Part of Our Everyday Dialogue

Famous TV Catchphrases Part of Our Everyday Dialogue

Technology is shifting almost daily, and how we view programs has changed significantly. Where we once sat in front of our televisions, technology has evolved to include smartphones, laptops, and tablets for our viewing pleasure. But one thing that has remained the same is the impact the programs we view have had on us. How we view may have evolved remarkably, but TV still reigns as one of the most transformative and culturally impactful innovations of the 20th century.

The characters we watch and the various issues they experience have had large impacts on many of our lives. Nowhere is this more evident than in our vocabulary. Many iconic characters have left us with catchphrases that are so famous, that they have become ingrained in our everyday dialogues.

Two inventors have been credited with the invention of the small screen. Philo Taylor Farnsworth, who at the age of 21 successfully showed this new electronic gadget in 1927, and John Logie Baird, a Scotsman who is credited with being the “Father of Television,” demonstrated the first working set. Thanks to both of their technological advancements, the world was given the gift of at-home entertainment.

But it wasn’t until decades later that it really took off. Homes in America went from only 6,000 television sets in the late 1940s to over 12 million by the beginning of the 1950s. Originally produced in black and white, by the middle of this decade, about half of all homes had a TV in their homes. No other new invention has entered American homes as fast as the “boob tube,” which gave way to what historians called the “Golden Age” of television. Today, these are the states where people watch the most TV.

24/7 Tempo has compiled a list of famous TV catchphrases part of our everyday dialogue. Television’s dominance may have been challenged in the last two decades by the internet and social media, but there is no denying the mark it has made on our language. Some catchphrases are so ingrained that you may be quoting a TV show without realizing it.

Here are famous TV catchphrases part of our everyday dialogue:

How do you do, fellow kids?

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
  • Show: 30 Rock
  • Seasons: Seven


Source: Courtesy of FX Network

Source: Courtesy of FX Network
  • Show: Archer
  • Seasons: 14

I’ve made a huge mistake

Source: Courtesy of Netflix

Source: Courtesy of Netflix
  • Show: Arrested Development
  • Seasons: Five

I am the danger.

To'hajiilee (Season 5, Episode 13) | Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad (2008)
Source: Courtesy of American Movie Classics


Source: Courtesy of American Movie Classics
  • Show: Breaking Bad
  • Seasons: Five

I’d like your $8-est bottle of wine, please

Source: Courtesy of Fox Network

Source: Courtesy of Fox Network
  • Show: Brooklyn 99
  • Seasons: Eight


Source: courtesy of Paramount Network Television

George Wendt as Norm on Cheers

Source: courtesy of Paramount Network Television
  • Show: Cheers
  • Seasons: 11

Cool cool cool

"Remedial Chaos Theory" | Chevy Chase, Joel McHale, Yvette Nicole Brown, Alison Brie, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi, and Donald Glover in Community (2009)
Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company


Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company
  • Show: Community
  • Seasons: six (will be streaming soon, date yet to be released)

What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Willis?

Source: courtesy of NBC

Gary Coleman as Arnold Jackson on Diffrent Strokes

Source: courtesy of NBC
  • Show: Different Strokes
  • Seasons: Eight

Just the facts, ma’am

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
  • Show: Dragnet
  • Seasons: Four

I tried nice once. Didn’t care for it

Source: Courtesy of CBS

Source: Courtesy of CBS
  • Show: Everybody Loves Raymond
  • Seasons: Nine

I’m listening

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
  • Show: Frasier
  • Seasons: 11

How come he don’t want me man?

Source: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution

Source: Courtesy of Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution
  • Show: Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  • Seasons: Six

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
  • Show: Friday Night Lights
  • Seasons: Five

How you doin’?

Source: Courtesy of HBO Max

Source: Courtesy of HBO Max
  • Show: Friends
  • Seasons: 10

Shut up and take my money

Source: Courtesy of 20th Television

Source: Courtesy of 20th Television
  • Show: Futurama
  • Seasons: 11 (season 12 to be released soon; seasons 13 & 14 tbd)

Winter is Coming

Source: Courtesy of Home Box Office (HBO)

Source: Courtesy of Home Box Office (HBO)
  • Show: Game of Thrones
  • Seasons: Eight

So pick me, choose me, love me.

Source: Courtesy of American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

Source: Courtesy of American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
  • Show: Grey’s Anatomy
  • Seasons: Entering its 20th season

True story

Source: Courtesy of 20th Century Fox Television

Source: Courtesy of 20th Century Fox Television
  • Show: How I Met Your Mother
  • Seasons: Nine

Lucy I’m Home!

Source: Courtesy of CBS

Source: Courtesy of CBS
  • Show: I Love Lucy
  • Seasons: Six

What is…

Source: 24/7 Wall St.

Source: 24/7 Wall St.
  • Show: Jeopardy!
  • Seasons: Currently in its 40th season

What’s up doc?

Source: Courtesy of HBO Max

Source: Courtesy of HBO Max
  • Show: Looney Tunes
  • Seasons: 31

We have to go back

Source: Courtesy American Broadcasting Company (ABC)

Source: Courtesy American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
  • Show: Lost
  • Seasons: Six

What do you want me to say?

Source: Courtesy of AMC+

Source: Courtesy of AMC+
  • Show: Mad Men
  • Seasons: Seven

Treat yo self

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)

Source: Courtesy of National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
  • Show: Parks & Rec
  • Seasons: Seven

By order of the Peaky Blinders

Source: Courtesy of Netflix

Source: Courtesy of Netflix
  • Show: Peaky Blinders
  • Seasons: Six
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