The Western world is moving towards an era of more acceptance of cannabis as a medicinal and recreational drug. However, the rest of the world isn’t quite so caught up. In most of the world, cannabis is still illegal, and medical cannabis programs aren’t as widespread as one might think if they’ve only been exposed to Western attitudes on drug use. Let’s examine the drug laws regarding cannabis worldwide.
To populate this list, we started with a list of all the independent legal territories worldwide. This list is functionally different than a list of independent countries because there are several legal territories, such as ROC Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, that are sometimes considered part of a greater country entity despite having a different legal system and penal code (though not for lack of trying to gain independence.) Once we had a list of legally independent territories, we looked through the penal codes for each territory to determine the legal status of cannabis and cannabis products by territory. (Also See A State-by-State Look at Marijuana Laws)
Cannabis was first banned in Afghanistan by King Zahir Shah in 1973 and is still fully illegal in this area. There is no medical cannabis program in Afghanistan.
Medical cannabis is legal in Albania as of 2023, passing with a 69–23 vote. Recreational cannabis is illegal.
Possession, consumption, cultivation, and sale of cannabis products are fully illegal in Algeria.
You cannot possess, consume, cultivate, or sell cannabis legally in Andorra. Andorra does not have a medical cannabis program.
Cannabis is fully illegal for all possession, consumption, sale, or cultivation in Angola. There is no medical cannabis program in Angola.
Antigua and Barbuda
Medical cannabis is illegal in Antigua and Barbuda. However, recreational cannabis is not a criminal offense and Rastafari in the country can legally grow and use the plant.
Medical cannabis has been legal in Argentina since September 22, 2017. Recreational cannabis is still illegal.
You cannot legally possess, sell, cultivate, or consume cannabis in Armenia. There is no medical cannabis program in the nation.
Medical cannabis is federally legal in Australia. However, qualifying conditions vary by state. Recreational cannabis is decriminalized in the Northern Territory and South Australia states, and legal for use (not sale) in the Australian Capital Territory.
Medical cannabis in Austria is limited to Dronabinol, Sativex, and Nabilone. Possession for personal use is legal as of January 2016. The sale and distribution of cannabis are illegal in Austria.
Both medical and recreational cannabis are fully illegal in Azerbaijan. You cannot possess, consume, cultivate, sell, or distribute cannabis products legally.
The Bahamas
It is completely illegal to possess, consume, distribute, sell, or cultivate cannabis in the Bahamas. There is no medical cannabis program in this country.
Bahrain, Belarus, Botswana, the Republic of Benin, and Bangladesh
Cannabis is completely illegal in all five of these countries. Bahrain, Botswana, the Republic of Benin, Bangladesh, and Belarus have all outlawed the possession, distribution, consumption, cultivation, or sale of all forms of cannabis. However, Bangladesh rarely enforces its cannabis laws. You may even see open sales of cannabis and cannabis-derived products in some parts of the country.
Belize, Barbados, Bermuda, Belgium
Medicinal cannabis is considered illegal in Belize. However, up to 10g for personal use is decriminalized. Barbados and Bermuda allow medical cannabis, and registered Rastafarians can also use it recreationally in Barbados. Bermuda has decriminalized up to seven grams for personal use.
Belgium limits medical cannabis to Sativex but allows up to three grams or one plant for personal use.
Bhutan, Brunei, Bosnia and Herzegovina
There is no medical cannabis program in Bhutan and recreational use remains fully illegal in the country.
You cannot legally possess, consume, cultivate, distribute, or sell cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Bosnia and Herzegovina, even for medical use. However, there are some talks of a medical cannabis program beginning in the country.
Cannabis is fully illegal in Brunei. There is no medical cannabis program in the country.
Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica
Medical cannabis is legal for terminally ill patients and those who have exhausted other treatment options. Addiction treatment and community service are typically given as a punishment for possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use.
It is completely illegal to cultivate, consume, possess, sell, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Bolivia.
Medical cannabis is legal in Colombia and Costa Rica. Additionally, Colombian law allows personal possession of up to 22g or 20 plants and Costa Rica does not criminalize recreational use.
Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic
The next three countries, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, and the Central African Republic have completely outlawed cannabis in all its forms. In addition, Bulgaria classifies it as a high-risk drug in the same class as heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, and MDMA. These countries do not allow any exceptions, including medical needs.
Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon
It is completely illegal to use cannabis in Burundi. There are no exceptions for medical or religious use here.
While technically illegal in Cambodia, the laws are only sporadically enforced. Some restaurants serve a “Happy” menu, which includes cannabis-infused foods.
Cannabis is fully illegal in Cameroon. They do not have a medical cannabis program and have not pursued decriminalization.
Canada is one of the few places in the world where cannabis is fully legal at the federal level. Purchasing age varies by province, but is 19 in most places, 18 in Alberta, and 21 in Quebec.
Cape Verde, Chad
It is completely illegal to possess or consume cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Cape Verde. It’s also completely illegal in Chad. However, the plant grows in the region naturally, and the islands of Lake Chad contain naturally occurring cannabis plants that the government hasn’t reported destroying.
Chile, China, Comoros, Cook Islands
Medical use of cannabis is legal in Chile. Additionally, personal possession and cultivation are not criminal offenses.
Cannabis is fully illegal in China and simple possession will net you a 10–15 day detention and a fine with no legal process. It’s likewise illegal in Comoros and on the Cook Islands. However, Comoros had a brief stint of legality between January 1975 and May 1978 under President Ali Soilih and 62% of the Cook Islands population is in favor of reviewing the country’s cannabis laws.
Democratic Republic of the Congo and Republic of the Congo
Cannabis remains fully illegal in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, a 2021 legislation allows for limited medical uses and research.
Not to be confused with the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Congo has cannabis completely outlawed, even for medical use or research.
Cannabis is completely illegal in Cuba and possession of small amounts of the plant can lead to 6 months to 2 years in prison. Possession of large amounts of cannabis is punishable by death in Cuba.
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Croatia
Medical cannabis is legal in Cyprus. However, recreational use will net you life imprisonment. Simple possession will get you up to 8 years, but if you’re under 25 your sentence will be commuted to 2 years imprisonment.
The Czech Republic allows medical cannabis with a prescription. Without a prescription, you can buy cannabis products as long as they are less than 1% THC. Possession of up to 10g or 5 plants for personal use is decriminalized.
Medical use of cannabis is legal in Croatia, and recreational use is not considered a criminal offense.
A medical pilot program was launched in 2018 and has been extended for an additional 4 years. Recreational use remains illegal and punishable by a fine and up to 2 years imprisonment. However, Freetown Christiania in Denmark is known for its cannabis.
Dominica, Dominican Republic, Djibouti
There is no medical cannabis program in Dominica. However, up to 28g is decriminalized for personal possession and use.
It’s entirely illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in the Dominican Republic. Similarly, in Djibouti, you’ll find yourself with a five-year prison sentence for possession. Additionally, even if you want to take that risk, you’ll have trouble finding cannabis in Djibouti since the locals prefer khat, which is legal.
East Timor, Ecuador, El Savador, Egypt
It’s illegal to possess, use, distribute, or cultivate cannabis in East Timor, El Salvador, and Egypt. There aren’t medical cannabis programs in the countries, nor are there any plans to implement medical cannabis programs.
Ecuador allows medical cannabis and previously decriminalized recreational cannabis use, but the decriminalization was repealed in 2023.
Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini
While cannabis possession and use are legally punishable in Equatorial Guinea, they claim that no one has been arrested for possession or use in living memory.
Cannabis is fully illegal in Eritrea and Eswatini. Additionally, Eritrea’s cultivation conditions don’t make it easy to grow.
Medical cannabis is legal in Estonia with a special permit. Recreational cannabis possession up to 7.5g is not a crime, but will still net you a fine. Possessing a large amount of cannabis in Estonia can get you up to five years in prison.
Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France
Despite being the birthplace of the Rastafarian religion, possession of cannabis is illegal in Ethiopia and punishable with up to 6 months in prison.
It is illegal to possess, use, distribute, or cultivate cannabis in Fiji.
Medical cannabis is permissible in Finland with a special license. Recreational possession and use have been reduced to a fine.
Medical cannabis in France is currently undergoing a 2-year trial with 3,000 patients. Recreational use remains illegal. However, the punishment is typically an on-the-spot fine rather than a criminal prosecution.
Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Germany
It is illegal to possess, cultivate, use, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-related products in Gabon.
Cannabis is fully illegal in Gambia. There is no medical cannabis program in this country, nor plans to implement one.
As of April 2024, it is now legal to possess, consume, and cultivate cannabis for personal use in Germany. Distribution through non-profit cannabis clubs is set to begin in July 2024. Georgia also allows possession and consumption of cannabis and cannabis-derived products, but you can’t sell it.
Greece, Ghana, Greenland, Grenada
Medical cannabis is legal in Greece and Ghana. However, Greece doesn’t allow recreational use and Ghana requires that the THC content stay below 0.3%.
It is illegal to possess, use, distribute, or cultivate cannabis in Greenland and Grenada.
Guinea, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti
It is completely illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Guinea, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, and Haiti. In addition, Guyana punishes possession of 15g of cannabis or more with a drug trafficking charge.
A 2016 constitutional commission in Guatemala rejected legalization proposals.
These countries don’t have medical cannabis programs.
Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland
The Honduran government maintains the illegality of cannabis and cannabis-derived products. Similarly, Hong Kong and Iceland banned the possession and use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products. Hungary doesn’t distinguish between cannabis and other substances like heroin and cocaine but does allow CBD products.
India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq
Cannabis-derived products with less than 0.3% THC are legal in India. A legal exception is made for the local cannabis-derived drug, bhang.
Indonesian officials outlawed cannabis in 1927. Possession will land you in rehab or net you up to 4 years in prison.
Iran banned cannabis and cannabis-derived products, but the laws are often unenforced.
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are highly illegal in Iraq. Getting caught with even a small amount of cannabis will get you 3–5 years in prison.
Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast
Medical cannabis is currently legal in Ireland under a 5-year pilot plan that started in June 2019. Recreational cannabis remains illegal.
Medical cannabis is legal in Israel and recreational use is not a crime.
Medical cannabis is legal in Italy. Personal possession will not see prosecution, and home cultivation of a small amount of plants is legal.
It is fully illegal to possess, distribute, use, or cultivate cannabis on the Ivory Coast.
Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan
Medicinal cannabis is legal in Jamaica and there are religious exceptions for use by Rastafari. Additionally, up to 56.5g or 5 plants for personal use is not a criminal offense.
Cannabis use and cultivation was restricted in Japan in 1948. Medical cannabis use is restricted to CBD products only.
It is completely illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in the country of Jordan.
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are fully outlawed in Kazakhstan. There is no medical program nor plans to implement one.
Kenya, Kiribati, North Korea, South Korea
It is illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Kenya.
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are fully illegal in Kiribati.
It is legal to possess cannabis or cannabis-derived products with a prescription in North Korea. However, the country has no system in place for dispensing products to those with a prescription. Recreational use is illegal, but often unenforced according to some sources.
Medical cannabis in South Korea is limited to Epidiolex, Marinol, and Sativex. Recreational use is illegal.
Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos,
It is illegal to use, possess, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Kosovo.
Possession, use, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis or cannabis-derived products are illegal in Kuwait.
Kyrgyzstan is the ancestral homeland of the cannabis plant. Despite this, its use, possession, cultivation, and distribution are outlawed in the country.
It is illegal to use, possess, distribute, or cultivate cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Laos. However, these laws don’t always see enforcement. The Van Vieng area is particularly tolerant of cannabis use, and tourists can find it for sale in bars and infused in food on happy menus.
Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia
It’s illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Latvia. However, first offenses usually result in a 280 Euro fine. 2nd offenses become criminal offenses, and possession of large amounts of cannabis can result in up to 15 years in prison.
Lebanese officials legalized medical cannabis in April 2020. Recreational cannabis remains illegal.
Personal use, possession, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis and cannabis-derived products is illegal in Lesotho. However, they widely cultivate cannabis for export.
It is illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Liberia, even for medical use.
Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are fully outlawed in Libya, with no medical program.
It is entirely illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Liechtenstein.
It is illegal to use, possess, cultivate, or distribute natural cannabis or cannabis-derived products. A law allowing those with serious illnesses to access synthetic cannabinoids went in to effect in Oct 2018.
It is legal to grow up to four female cannabis plants in Luxembourg. You can carry up to 3g without committing a criminal offense. However, sales are prohibited.
All use, possession, distribution, and cultivation of cannabis and cannabis-derived products is illegal in Macau.
Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali
It is illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Madagascar.
Medical cannabis is legal in Malawi. Recreational cannabis is illegal. However, Malawian cannabis is famed for its high quality.
Cannabis is highly illegal in Malaysia. Possession of 200g or more will get you a drug trafficking charge and will net you a mandatory death penalty.
It is illegal to possess, use, grow, or distribute cannabis in Maldives.
Cannabis is fully illegal in Mali.
Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania
Personal possession of cannabis in Malta is legal for up to 7g or 4 female plants. The government also expunged all past cannabis-related charges.
It is fully illegal to possess, use, distribute, or cultivate cannabis or cannabis-derived products on the Marshall Islands.
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are entirely outlawed in Mauritania.
Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco
It is legal to possess, consume, and cultivate cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Mexico, but it is illegal to sell them.
It is illegal to possess, consume, grow, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Micronesia.
Cannabis use and possession is not a crime in Moldova, but not fully legal.
All cannabis use or possession is outlawed in Monaco.
Montenegor, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia
Cannabis use, cultivation, distribution, and possession are all illegal in Montenegro.
Medical cannabis is legal in Morocco. Recreational cannabis is illegal but frequently goes unpunished. Morocco is one of the top hashish producers in the world.
It is illegal to possess, use, grow, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Mozambique.
It is illegal to possess, use, grow, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Myanmar. However, these laws often go unenforced.
It is illegal to possess, cultivate, use, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Namibia. In 2007, the government proposed a mandatory 20-year sentence for any possession of any illicit drugs. However, the government ultimately declined the proposal.
Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are fully illegal in Nauru.
It is typically illegal to possess, use, cultivate, and distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Nepal. However, they have a cultural exception to the possession and use ban during the Maha Shivaratri festival.
Medical cannabis is legal in the Netherlands. Additionally, the consumption and sale of cannabis and cannabis-derived products are legal in licensed coffee shops. Possession of up to 5g is not a crime and you can cultivate up to 5 plants for non-commercial use.
Medical cannabis is legal in New Zealand. A referendum to legalize recreational cannabis use failed 50.7% to 48.4%.
It is illegal to use, possess, cultivate, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Nicaragua.
Niger, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are fully illegal in Niger.
Medical cannabis has been legal in North Macedonia since 2016. However, recreational use is illegal, and possessing a large amount of cannabis can net you 3 months to 5 years in prison.
Medical cannabis is legal in Norway. In 2021, a bill to decriminalize recreational cannabis use failed 56.2% to 43.8%.
It is illegal to possess, use, distribute, or cultivate cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Oman.
Medical cannabis in Pakistan is limited to CBD-only products. Recreational use is illegal, but often unenforced, especially in tribal areas.
Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay
Cannabis use and related activities are illegal in Palau.
Medical cannabis use is legal in Panama. Recreational use remains illegal.
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products are fully illegal in Papua New Guinea.
Medical cannabis is illegal in Paraguay. However, recreational use is not a criminal offense up to 10g in personal possession.
The Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar
Medical cannabis use is allowed in the Philippines with a special permit issued by the Food and Drug Authority. Recreational use is illegal.
Medicinal uses and research of cannabis are legal in Poland. Recreational use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products with more than 0.3% THC are illegal but may not see legal enforcement. If the product contains less than 0.3% THC it is legal to possess.
Medical cannabis is legal in Portugal. Recreational use is not a criminal offense. In 2001, Portugal became the first nation in the world to decriminalize all drug use.
It is illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Qatar.
Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Medical cannabis is only legal in Romania if the product contains less than 0.2% THC. There are whispers of a proposition of decriminalization. However, no legal movement toward this legislation is in the works at this time.
All possession, consumption, cultivation, and distribution of cannabis and cannabis-derived products are illegal in Russia. Foreign nationals and stateless individuals will face deportation if caught possessing cannabis, regardless of the amount in possession.
Medical cannabis use is legal in Rwanda, but recreational use is illegal.
Possession of up to 56g of cannabis is not a criminal offense in Saint Kitts and Nevis. However, medical use is illegal.
Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa
Possession of up to 30g of cannabis is not a criminal offense in Saint Lucia even though medical use is illegal.
Medical use of cannabis is legal and possession of up to 30g is not a criminal offense in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
All cannabis use and possession is illegal in Samoa.
San Marino, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal
Medical use of cannabis is legal in San Marino. Recreational use remains illegal.
All cannabis use, possession, cultivation, and distribution is illegal in São Tomé and Príncipe.
Cannabis is highly illegal in Saudi Arabia. Personal use can net you 6 months or more in prison, and foreigners caught with cannabis will face deportation regardless of how much they have.
It is illegal to possess, consume, cultivate, or distribute cannabis in Senegal.
Serbia, The Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore
Cannabis is highly illegal in Serbia. Possessing a small amount will net you a fine at a minimum, and up to 3 years in prison at a maximum. Sale or transport will net you 3–12 years in prison, and cultivation will get you 6 months to 5 years.
It is completely illegal to possess, use, grow, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Seychelles.
Cannabis and cannabis-derived products have been fully illegal in Sierra Leone since 1920.
Medical cannabis use in Singapore is limited to CBD-only products. More than 500g is considered drug trafficking and can result in being given the death penalty.
Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia
Slovakia is one of the most conservative countries in the EU and only recently began allowing cannabis growth for research purposes. CBD is legal for external use but not internal. Recreational use is highly illegal. Possession of small amounts of cannabis for personal use can get you up to 8 years in prison.
Medical use of cannabis in Slovenia is limited to Sativex, Marinol, and CBD-only products. Recreational use is not a criminal offense.
No cannabis use is legal in the Solomon Islands or Somalia. Both countries have expressly outlawed its possession and use, despite being naturally present in Somalia.
South Africa, Sudan, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka
The South African government decided to decriminalize personal recreational use in the privacy of the home. Essentially, as long as it’s a small amount used at home, they’re not going to penalize anyone. However, all other applications are still illegal.
It is fully illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Sudan and South Sudan — even though Sudan is one of the biggest cannabis producers.
Medical cannabis use is legal in Spain. The laws on recreational use vary depending on the region. Country-wide, it’s technically illegal, but mostly decriminalized. However, Catalonia, on the other hand, allows recreational use and there are even cannabis clubs — just don’t take your weed into another region of Spain and you may wind up with a nasty fine.
Recreational and medical use in Sri Lanka are both illegal, netting a fine and sometimes a prison sentence. Although efforts to include medical cannabis as part of Ayurvedic treatment in the Ayurvedic Act are ongoing, nothing has been approved.
Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan
Cannabis use, possession, cultivation, and distribution are outlawed in Suriname.
Medical cannabis use is legal for patients who obtain a license, but only a handful of licenses have been granted. Recreational use is illegal.
Consumption of cannabis in Switzerland will get you fined. However, any possession under 10g is not a punishable offense, and if officials seize your cannabis and find it to be an amount under 10g, the authorities must return it to you. Medical use is legal.
Syrian law says it is illegal to possess, use, cultivate, or distribute cannabis products, though often unenforced. However, if the person is an addict, they will not face criminal penalties.
Simple possession of any amount of cannabis in Taiwan is punishable by 3 years in prison.
Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga
Possession, cultivation, consumption, and distribution of cannabis is fully illegal in Tajikistan.
It is illegal to possess, consume, cultivate, or distribute cannabis and cannabis-derived products in Tanzania.
Cannabis possession, sale, and home cultivation are legal in Thailand.
It is illegal to possess, cultivate, consume, or distribute cannabis in Togo.
All cannabis use and related activities are illegal in Tonga.
Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan
Possession of up to 30g of cannabis of 4 plants per adult is not a criminal offense in Trinidad and Tobago.
Cannabis is illegal in Tunisia and simple possession is punishable with 1–5 years in prison and a fine of 1000–3000 dinar.
Medical cannabis use is limited to Sativex only in Turkey. Medical cultivation is legal in 19 provinces. Personal possession will get you 1–2 years, addiction treatment, or probation. Sale or supply will get you 5–10 years.
It is illegal to possess, consume, cultivate, or distribute cannabis or cannabis-derived products in Turkmenistan.
Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates
All possession, cultivation, consumption, and distribution of cannabis and cannabis-derived products are illegal in Tuvalu.
Medical cannabis is legal in Uganda. However, recreational use remains illegal.
Medical cannabis is legal in Ukraine. Recreational use is illegal, but somewhat decriminalized.
Cannabis is highly illegal in the United Arab Emirates. Simple possession will get you a mandatory 4 years in prison.
United Kingdom, United States
Elevated view of Tower Bridge and St Pauls, London
Medical cannabis use is legal in the UK with a prescription, which must be obtained from a specialist and cannot be prescribed by a general practitioner. Recreational use is illegal, but they may not prosecute you for simple possession.
Cannabis is illegal at the federal level in the United States. 38 states, 4 territories, and D.C. have legalized medical use, and 24 states, 3 territories, and D.C. have legalized recreational use.
Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City
It is legal to possess and consume cannabis in Uruguay, both medicinally and recreationally. However, the purchase of cannabis and cannabis-derived products is only for residents.
It is completely illegal to use, cultivate, distribute, or even possess cannabis in Uzbekistan.
Medical cannabis is legal in Vanuatu, but recreational is illegal.
Cannabis is illegal in Vatican City. There is no exception for medicinal use.
Venezuela,Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Cannabis is illegal in Venezuela and simple possession can get you 1–2 years in prison or mandatory detox and rehab.
Cannabis is illegal in Vietnam for both medicinal and recreational use.
All possession, use, cultivation, or distribution of cannabis and cannabis-derived products are illegal in Yemen.
Medical cannabis is legal in Zambia, but recreational use remains illegal.
In Zimbabwe, any possession and use of cannabis is illegal — they make no exceptions for medical use.