



America’s Favorite American Dishes, According to Data

America’s Favorite American Dishes, According to Data

No matter who you are, you need food to survive and thrive on Earth. Food provides nutrients and vitamins that enable people to live their best lives every day. Each region around the world has its own unique flavors that locals enjoy eating. In America, a lot of the food is fried and served with numerous side dishes. There are restaurants across the United States that are ready to cook up different American recipes.

Tons of Americans love scarfing down hot dogs whenever they get the chance. Unlike a lot of other foods on this list, there’s a vast list of places to order hot dogs. One of the most popular settings where Americans rush through the gates to get their hands on hot dogs is baseball games. The ambiance of sitting outside with a drink and a hot dog has been glamorized by social media over the last handful of years. Another favorable place to eat hot dogs is at barbecues with friends and family. There are a plethora of hot dog toppings to choose from to enhance the flavor.

Few desserts are as distinguished by Americans as apple pie. There’s even an old-school saying where something is compared to being “as American as apple pie.” Unlike most desserts, when made correctly, apple pie isn’t an inherently unhealthy dessert to eat. The fresh apples and breaded pie provide a sweet-tasting food for Americans to indulge in. Americans love adding sides like ice cream to go along with apple pie. For more American food content, click here to read about the best steakhouses in the United States.

To compile this list of America’s favorite American dishes, 24/7 Tempo consulted a survey conducted by YouGov.

Sloppy joes

Source: janith priyasanka/ Shutterstock
Make sure to have napkins close when eating a sloppy joe.

If there’s one thing Americans love, its stacking different meats and sauces on a sandwich. A sloppy joe combines the random flavors of ground beef, seasonings, tomato sauce, and onions to create the perfect concoction. People can alter whatever they see fit for their sandwiches to create the burst of flavors they’re looking for. It’s normal to come across sloppy joes at barbecue events.

There are plenty of Hollywood tropes that romanticize sloppy joes for families that want to eat something different together.  Whenever you’re eating a sloppy joe, make sure to have a bundle of napkins within arms reach until your plate is clean. It’s accurate that the word “sloppy” is in the name sloppy joe. This messy meal often leaves stains on clothes, but it isn’t going anywhere in the near future. Expect sloppy joes to remain on this list for a while.

Hot dogs

Source: robertsre/ Shutterstock
People like eating hot dogs at baseball games.

It’s challenging to find a food that fits in better at a sporting event than a hot dog – particularly baseball. Nearly every stadium in the United States proudly serves hot dogs to their fans. Off to the side is where consumers can add toppings like ketchup, mustard, or relish. It’s also normal for avid golfers to take breaks after playing their first nine holes to purchase hot dogs that will satisfy their hunger cravings.

Sporting events aren’t the only place to be on the hunt for hot dogs, though. One of the most popular foods to throw on a grill next to some hamburgers at a barbecue is a hot dog. In 2024, there are multiple restaurants that put some of the craziest toppings on hot dogs. On the Las Vegas Strip, there’s a restaurant named Dirt Dog that’s become known for making hot dogs with toppings most people would never dream of adding. The love Americans have for hot dogs will probably exist forever.

Chicken pot pie

A chicken or turkey pot pie shot closeup
Source: MSPhotographic / Shutterstock.com
Chicken pot pies have vegetables in them.

A great comfort meal that’s full of healthy ingredients is chicken pot pie. Unlike most pies, the inside of the bread is where the various ingredients are found. Within a chicken pot pie, you’ll find tender meats like chicken or turkey, tasty peas, and other various vegetables. Americans fantasize about chicken pot pie because the person making the dish can add whatever see fit.

It’s routine to see people eating chicken pot pies whenever they want something savory. Stores are constantly refreshing their frozen food section with chicken pot pies for hungry shoppers. That’s because it’s easy for someone to grab one on their way home from work to put in the microwave. The various mixed vegetables and broth added to each dish are exactly why people don’t feel the need to drizzle sauces on their chicken pot pies.

Philly cheesesteak

Source: Charles Brutlag/ Shutterstock
At first, Philly cheesesteaks didn’t have cheese on them.

Few foods have become as engrained in the spirit of a city like Philly cheesesteaks have over the years with Philadelphia. Some of the most tender and scrumptious Philly cheesesteaks in the world come from food carts on the street. It’s normal to see white-collar workers chomp down a Philly cheesesteak from their closest street cart during their lunch break.

A Philly cheesesteak is filled with long, skinny strips of tender steak, melted cheese, and incredibly crispy onions. There are a myriad of different sauces added to the cheesesteak to ensure the person eating it won’t feel like their sandwich is as dry as a bone. Ironically enough, when the cheesesteak was first created, there was no melted cheese on it. The creator’s nephew thought outside of the box and added cheese to it later on, which was the cherry on top of what was already a delicious food.

Roast beef

Source: LauriPatterson / Getty Images
Roast beef sandwiches are popular to order.

People are allowed to use their imaginations when serving roast beef, since there are countless ways to do so. One of the most popular ways happens at fancy restaurants when it’s paired with a memorable cocktail like a Bahama Breeze and a crunchy side salad. It’s important to make sure each bite of roast beef is small, since the pieces of meat are super thick. The pieces can easily get caught in the wrong throat pipe if you’re not careful.

This isn’t the only way to enjoy roast beef, though. People around the United States love adding tender roast beef to their sandwiches. It’s common for Americans to add taste-enhancing sauces and melty cheeses to their roast beef sandwiches to make the flavors explode. Arby’s is one restaurant chain that’s figured out how to rapidly produce roast beef sandwiches that are ready for consumers the second the find themselves in the drive-thru.

Tater tots

Source: The Image Party/ Shutterstock
Tater tots are a popular side dish.

There was a time when Americans thought tater tots might duke it out with french fries to become the most popular side dish in the United States. While this obviously didn’t come to fruition, it doesn’t take away from the fact that tater tots are a beloved food by Americans everywhere. The amount of ways to serve tater tots could go to the moon and back. The easiest, and least costly, is by serving them without anything on top.

However, as time has progressed, Americans have figured out that adding toppings like fresh green onions and crispy bacon bits makes tater tots taste even better. You’d be hard-pressed not finding full plates of tater tots at events like graduation parties, Super Bowl watch parties, and other family events.

Turkey sandwich

Source: Charles Brutlag/ Shutterstock
Tons of people eat turkey sandwiches for lunch.

People who love celebrating Thanksgiving with decadent meals, even when it’s not that time of year, have a great appreciation for turkey sandwiches. While it’s not the real deal, the juicy and instantly recognizable taste of turkey in Americans mouths reminds them of times when their families are gathered together. Typically, no mashed potatoes or stuffing goes on the side of the sandwich, which means those who have a longing for potatoes will add french fries.

People add whatever sauces and vegetables they desire in the moment they’re making the sandwich. Kids and working professionals are two of the most common demographics to see scarfing down turkey sandwiches during lunchtime. The ease of making turkey sandwiches won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. Even if it’s a basic food, you can expect people to keep admiring and fantasizing about them for a long time.

BBQ ribs

Beef ribs being basted with bbq sauce on a grill with a basting brush
Source: F Armstrong Photography / Shutterstock.com
BBQ ribs are a popular thing to make at barbecues.

Various parts of the United States make their BBQ ribs with different sauces on top. Cities like Kansas City and St. Louis are recognized across America for the distinct, yet iconic taste people enjoy when munching on their ribs. Whenever you walk into a BBQ place in one of these cities, prepare to wait for around a half hour in line before it’s your turn. 

These aren’t the only places to find BBQ ribs, though. Americans are fond of eating meat fresh off the bone in numerous other places. During get-togethers, it’s normal to find someone behind the grill, cooking up ribs for people to enjoy. Make sure you cook the ribs long enough. The last thing anyone wants is a rib that looks and tastes undercooked.

Apple pie

Dutch apple pie
Source: HG Photography / Shutterstock.com
Apple pie by itself is a healthy dessert.

When Americans are asked to think of what the “All-American” dessert is, most rapidly respond with apple pie. The dessert has become so influential around the United States that people compare other things to “being as American as apple pie.” It’s also one of the few desserts that isn’t wildly unhealthy. Apple pie is made from freshly picked apples and a warm pie crust that’s heated up at the right temperature. It becomes unhealthy when people add sugary sides to it.

Things like pure whipped cream, sweet ice cream, and to-die-for custard are sweets many Americans love pairing with their apple pie slices. It’s easy to smell a fresh apple pie when it comes out of the oven. The sweet smell of fresh apples is enough to make an entire neighborhood interested in coming over for a taste.

Southern-style fried chicken

Source: sockagphoto/ Shutterstock
Southern-style fried chicken has more seasonings and spices compared to fried chicken.

Chicken is a popular food to eat in the United States, and that’s no secret. It’s well-known that people in America love to fry anything they can. Southern-style fried chicken has an extra crunch whenever someone bites into it. There are tons of various seasonings and spices added to ensure nobody needs a sauce if they don’t want.

The southern part of America is where plenty of delicious food comes from in the first place. Some people claim you can even go to a gas station in the south and find the best southern fried chicken you’ve ever had in your life. It’s normal to pair this dish with sides like french fries or beans.

Corn on the cob

Single ear of corn isolated on white background as package design element
Source: Kovaleva_Ka / Shutterstock.com
People love eating corn on the cob with butter.

Americans love corn on the cob. There was even a young boy who went viral on TikTok when he sang about his love for corn, which has since been parodied by countless other TikTokers. There are plenty of ways to serve corn on the cob to guests craving it. The easiest is by adding salt and butter to the corn when it’s fully cooked to add flavor – and a few extra calories. Unlike a lot of dishes served during Thanksgiving, corn on the cob is something that’s trendy year-round to indulge upon.

People who go on road trips through the midwestern part of the United States know how gigantic corn stalks can grow before they’re ready to be sent to supermarkets around the country. Since it’s such a massive part of Thanksgiving dinner, corn on the cob will live on as one of America’s favorite foods.

Steak and fries

Source: MaraZe/ Shutterstock
Americans love having fries as a side with their steak.

People in the United States cherish steak as a menu item. It’s oftentimes one of the most expensive items on restaurant menus to order. Most of the time, steak is served with potatoes. However, more Americans have found themselves enjoying steak with a side of fries. Fries seem to pair nicely with any food.

Americans have proven their willingness to put fries together with anything. The texture of fries is why tons of people enjoy having it on the side with their steak. Fast-food restaurants aren’t the places where people can get their hands on french fries, by the way. There was once a stigma surrounding fries being less classy than baked potatoes. This isn’t the case anymore, though.

Fried chicken

Source: athurstock / Shutterstock.com
Fried chicken doesn’t have any seasonings added to it.

The difference between fried chicken and southern-style fried chicken is the strong spices and heavenly seasonings that are added to the breading before the chicken is dumped into the fryer. Things with too much seasoning can quickly turn Americans off from eating whatever has just been served. Some people only want the taste and crunch that comes with a standard piece of fried chicken.

There are several ways to eat fried chicken than southern-style fried chicken, which explains why some people are so passionate about it. Americans have figured out how delicious fried chicken tastes when the bones are taken out first. There are some sandwiches that have southern-style fried chicken, but they haven’t become as popular yet.

Hash browns

Source: DronG/ Shutterstock
Hash browns are a typical breakfast side.

It’s normal for Americans to add hash browns as a side to their other breakfast foods. Having a form of potatoes during breakfast proves how much people from the United States enjoy potatoes in general. For many people, a side of hash browns isn’t complete without ketchup to dip it in.

The most common way to eat hash browns is next to flaky biscuits, gravy, and eggs. Hash browns are a staple at breakfast and brunch places for Americans to indulge in. The love of potatoes is something Americans will likely continue enjoying for a long time.

Steak and baked potato

Source: mikeledray/ Shutterstock
Steak and a baked potato is an expensive meal typically at restaurants.

Americans are constantly on the hunt, trying to find new ways to pair steak and potatoes together. One of the most basic, yet effective ways they’ve done this is with a standard baked potato. There’s something that feels elegant and classy about ordering steak with a baked potato on date night with your significant other. It’s normal that restaurants make this combination of food so expensive on their menus. Reconsider firing on a steak if you’re pinching pennies.

There are tons of different add-ons to put into a baked potato to make the flavors explode in your mouth. The most common ingredients to put you on cloud nine include butter, sour cream, and green onions. However, this combination of food might fall back on this list in the future since Americans have figured out how gratifying having steak and french fries together.

Grilled cheese

Source: Mironov Vladimir/ Shutterstock
Grilled cheeses are one of the easiest snacks to make.

Americans love pretending they’re chefs when they make grilled cheese in their home kitchens. All it takes to turn your home into a five-star restaurant is a pan, butter, cheese, and bread. After about two minutes of work, you have yourself a delicious grilled cheese sandwich to post on social media. People in the United States have gotten creative and added more to their grilled cheeses over the years.

In 2024, it’s popular to see things like crispy bacon, fresh cream cheese, and exquisite green onions on the inside of grilled cheese. Millennials and Gen-Zers still order grilled cheeses off the kids’ menu at restaurants (on occasion) to go back to a simpler time in their minds and spirits. The popularity of grilled cheese sandwiches will likely stick around for a long time in America.


Source: Mirko Okuka/ Shutterstock
Fast-food restaurants have tons of cheeseburgers available for customers.

Fast-food places in the United States know that the cheeseburger is something Americans are typically stoked to order during a night out with their friends. In fact, they make cheeseburgers in advance to be served immediately after someone orders them in person or requests a delivery driver to drop off. Americans love the combination of cheese and meat on a bun.

Fast-food joints aren’t the only place to get a memorable cheeseburger, though. People at barbecues love eating fresh cheeseburgers that are a smidge burnt. There’s something special about grilling a cheeseburger for the people in your life you care about during the summertime. The love of grilling and the convenience of fast-food both aren’t going anywhere for Americans, so cheeseburgers will undoubtedly stick around.


Source: Topp Images/ Shutterstock
Hamburgers don’t have cheese on them.

The only difference between a hamburger and a cheeseburger is that a hamburger is sans cheese. Plenty of people across the United States have lactose intolerance, which means they can’t consume any dairy under any circumstances – unless they want their stomach to hate them for the rest of the night. These people are forced to eat hamburgers instead of cheeseburgers, for their sake… and their partner’s sake.

However, the popularity of them means fast-food restaurants still make plenty in advance for customers who are chomping at the bit to eat without much of a wait time. It’s also normal to see people manning the grill at get-togethers and cooking hamburgers for people to demolish with ketchup. Unsurprisingly, hamburgers and cheeseburgers both land in the top four threshold for popular American foods.

French fries

Source: Deutschlandreform / Shutterstock.com
Normal french fries are long and skinny.

It doesn’t feel like a fast-food meal is complete without french fries in the mix. There are numerous ways to serve french fries to hungry customers, which is one of the reasons people in America fond over them so much. The old-school way of cooking french fries is still in motion at most places like McDonald’s and Burger King.

However, Chick-fil-A has popularized the waffle fry. Instead of being served as skinny sticks, their fry looks like a waffle with holes in the middle of it. Another form of french fries that’s become popular is the steak fry served by Red Robin. These fries are thicker than regular fries, meaning people get full on them quicker. The love of french fries will likely be around forever, thanks to their deliciousness.

Mashed potatoes

Bowl of mashed potatoes
Source: Only 4K Ultra HD / Shutterstock.com
Mashed potatoes are the most popular American food for Americans to eat.

The most popular American dish Americans love to eat is mashed potatoes. Given how many different forms of potatoes are on this list, it makes sense that the number one dish Americans adore would be a form of potatoes. Mashed potatoes are different than other forms because they’re softer and much creamier in texture.

People are obsessed with ordering mashed potatoes along with barbecue or steak of some kind. It’s normal to add sour cream and cheese to mashed potatoes to enhance the flavor. Mashed potatoes will likely always be on or near the top of most beloved American foods. For more food content, click here to read about the best dive bar in every state. 

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