Designer Bags
There’s never a genuinely good reason to fully splurge on a designer bag. This is especially true when knock-offs look so similar. Chanel, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton all charge well above $1,000 for just one bag. There are countless places to buy similar-looking bags for one-tenth of the price. Nobody will know the difference aside from you and those who you choose to tell. That extra money you save can go to a nice dinner or date night, creating amazing memories.
There’s an old saying that the second you leave a parking lot, your car will lose at least $5,000 in value. Car dealerships are known to overcharge everyone they sell cars to. This happens despite the fact most newer model cars don’t look any different than the previous couple of years. Instead of paying $30,000 for a new car, why not pay $23,000 for the same thing? Car dealerships will always overcharge, so save money and buy cheaper cars that will do the same job.
Sports Jerseys
Designer Shoes
Shoes do their job as long as they cover your feet from the elements that can harm them. These days, designer brands are putting out footwear for people to purchase. Non-designer brands like Nike and Under Armour will charge an arm and a leg. One reason people spend money on these shoes is because of how they look.
No matter how hard you try, your shoes are going to get dirty and scuffed up when you wear them. There’s no reason to spend thousands of dollars on shoes when there are perfectly good options for $40 or less.
Party Supplies
Holiday Décor
Stores around the world started to take advantage of consumers decorating their homes during holiday seasons. This isn’t a phenomenon reserved for Christmas time, though. Valentine’s Day, Easter, and many more celebratory holidays are being exploited. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on decor at mainstream stores, start bargain shop at the discount stores around your house.
You’d be surprised at all the fantastic options you never knew you had available to you. Your house will also look just as wonderful and full of spirit as every other house on your street.
Designer Clothes
The world of fashion has gone to places nobody could have ever imagined in the last decade. While some of these options are enticing and interesting, they’re not always worth the hefty price tag they come along with. Coupled with certain clothing items falling out of style, or even perhaps you outgrowing them, it can be a large expense for such a short time of use.
Instead, buying an outfit that costs a fraction of the price will keep both you and your wallet feeling good. Designer brands like Balenciaga, Prada, Burberry, and Gucci and known to sell clothing for hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars.
Tote Bags
Society is currently looking for as many ways to be as environmentally friendly as possible. One of the most common ways to do this is by bringing a tote back to shop with. Some bags cost more than others without offering the same amount of storage space.
There’s no reason to spend tons of money on bags that only have one real purpose. These totes are generally used to bring groceries from the store inside your home. Occasionally, there are times when it’s okay to spend a little more when the bag has enough space to hold more goods. However, make sure you compare bag sizes to know if you’re getting a good deal or not.
Wrapping Paper
One of the biggest gimmicks surrounding holidays and birthdays is that new wrapping paper with a related theme should be used every single time. Unfortunately, themed pieces of paper aren’t always reasonably priced. Instead of buying wrapping paper with an obvious theme, it’s best to opt for color schemes that are most similar to the event you’re celebrating.
For example, during Christmas time, purchase red and green wrapping paper to save yourself a lot of money. During birthdays, purchase the person’s favorite color in wrapping paper. Once the gifts are opened, the wrapping paper is going to end up in the trash anyway. Colored paper without a specific theme can be used interchangeably for other holidays and events.
Event Tickets
One of the best ways to keep your mental health in a good place is having something to be excited about, like a certain event. However, with most sporting events and concerts, pricing can change. The closer it is to the start of the event, the cheaper your ticket is going to be. Most people want to plan ahead and know they’re for sure going to the event.
Companies know this, so they charge more for the ticket the farther out you are. Once the event gets closer and closer, the person in charge of the tickets likely just wants to make the sale and get rid of the tickets. This is what allows you to save money.
Traveling the world is something Millennials and other generations have openly talked about wanting to do. One of the biggest reasons people might avoid travel, though, would be flight prices. Some flights are far more expensive than others, depending on the airline.
However, there are also tons of cost-effective options to get wherever you want to go. It might not feel as luxurious, but at the end of the day, you’re going to arrive at your chosen destination. Simply getting there is the most important thing, regardless of what airline you take.
The odds of someone walking up to you with a loupe or diamond tester is highly unlikely. Diamond testers are designed to prove whether or not a diamond is real, while loupes are used to view the quality of a stone. These products aren’t on every street corner, so why not spend half the money you normally would? What should matter is how the jewelry looks – not how expensive it was to buy.
Jewelry is also easy to lose, no matter who you are, since pieces can be small in size. With these savings, people will look at your jewelry in awe without knowing you got it at a bargain.
Watches used to be a huge part of society. They were both stylish and important when it came to keeping track of time. However, with smartphones everywhere now, watches have purely become a stylish part of fashion. Some watches cost more than $10,000, with knock-offs that look just like them costing no more than $50.
Manifesting wealth has become a common practice, and one of the easiest ways to do so is through wearing expensive things. At first, it’s not smart to buy a real watch that puts you in debt. The best way to manifest wealth is by getting a knock-off that looks legitimate enough.
One of the best ways to relax is by reading a good book. Bookstore owners know that reading has become therapeutic for tons of people around the globe. While it seems smart to buy a book brand-new, you can just as easily buy one used at a discounted rate. Most books don’t have scribbles or anything inside the pages taking away from the book. Once you’re done, you’re more than likely going to sell it back to a bookstore.
Technology is constantly changing and it often seems like no matter when you buy a new product, a brand new version comes out a couple of months later. Instead of always needing to get the newest version, which usually has only a few upgrades to it, buy the one that’s one or two generations older.
Odds are, while a certain device might be slightly older, it’ll still visually look the same. Keep in mind that there’s no sign technology will be slowing down anytime soon. This is especially true with AI becoming smart enough to develop more and more products.
Office Supplies
Whether you work in an office or remotely, there’s no reason to splurge on office supplies. Getting affordable supplies that are equally reliable to get the job done is the best way to go. Aside from saving money, employees won’t feel like their hard-earned dollars are being spent frivolously. Pens, pencils, and staplers are some common office supplies that you don’t need to spend too much money on.
Streaming Platforms
When was the last time you went to somebody’s house and thought about the silverware they used to eat? Never is the answer you most likely came up with. With that thought in mind, you shouldn’t spend an absurd amount on silverware when you can just buy the basic-looking ones for less. Nobody will truly care how much you spend on your silverware as long as it’s functional. On the flip side of this, click here to read about things you should never buy second-hand.