



The Classic American Dishes Baby Boomers Like the Most

The Classic American Dishes Baby Boomers Like the Most

Baby boomers are classified as the generation born between 1946 and 1964. Throughout their lifetimes, baby boomers have seen different foods become popular. However, there are still plenty of dishes that have been around for a long time that are still popular to eat. At this juncture, baby boomers have started to think more about their health and the things they’re putting into their bodies when it comes to food. That doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy a cheat meal every once in a while. 

One of the most popular American dishes for baby boomers to enjoy is steak and baked potatoes. Within the meal, people get their protein and starch. There are tons of different sauces to add to steak that make it tastier. Baked potatoes are a popular dish to add tons of toppings. By themselves, baked potatoes taste delicious. However, people add bacon bits, sour cream, cheese, butter, and tons of other add-ons to their potatoes for more flavor. 

One dessert baby boomers can’t get enough of is apple pie. There is seemingly nothing more American than a slice of apple pie to top off a meal. Apple pie is typically served with ice cream on the side. The use of fresh apples and cinnamon is ideal for apple pie. Unlike most desserts, apple pie is on the healthier side of the menu. For more food content, click here to read about exotic seafood delicacies from around the world. 

To compile this list of baby boomers’ favorite American dishes, 24/7 Tempo reviewed a survey conducted by YouGov. 

1. Mashed potatoes

Bowl of mashed potatoes
Source: Only 4K Ultra HD / Shutterstock.com
It’s normal for a baby boomer to have mashed potatoes with their dinner.

It’s difficult to argue how great of a food mashed potatoes are. It seems like the dish can go with anything, or can be served by itself. There are tons of different ways to cook and serve mashed potatoes. One of the most popular ways to enhance the flavor of mashed potatoes is by adding cheese. The best part about cheese is there’s at least one flavor out there for people to enjoy. When cooks add cheese to their mashed potatoes, they often instantly think the food tastes better. 

It’s also normal to think of mashed potatoes whenever you’re deciding which side you want at a restaurant. The dish pairs well with pasta, chicken, hamburgers, seemingly everything. Baby boomers love serving the dish to their loved ones because it’s easy to make and it’s something that everyone seems to enjoy. Mashed potatoes will be around for a long time, since other generations also appear to enjoy the food. 

2. Steak and baked potatoes

Source: mikeledray/ Shutterstock
Steak and baked potatoes is a normal meal for baby boomers.

Few meals feel as American as steak and baked potatoes. Even though the price of meat has gone up over the years, baby boomers are still willing to spend money on sizzling meat and potatoes. Steaks are unique because they are oftentimes served with a sauce that adds flavor to the meal. They can also be cooked to different levels, from rare with tons of pink to well-done with no pink at all. 

It’s normal to get a baked potato as a side dish to pair along with the steak. Like steak, there are countless ways to enhance a baked potato. While a plain baked potato still tastes wonderful, baby boomers have figured out different ingredients to put inside their food. One of the most common additions is butter. Even though it isn’t as healthy as other options, butter brings the flavor to a whole different level. 

3. Hamburgers

Source: Topp Images/ Shutterstock
The difference between a hamburger and cheeseburger is a hamburger doesn’t have cheese.

Another food that feels like it’s etched into the fabric of American culture is the hamburger. At nearly every barbecue, someone is on the grill, making hamburgers for people to enjoy. On the surface, a hamburger is only meat and bread. As time has gone on, though, people have turned hamburgers into more than that. It’s common to add vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles to the burger. 

There are also plenty of amazing sauces like ketchup and mustard that bring out more flavor in each bite of a burger. The smell of hamburgers on the grill is how tons of families welcome in the summer season. There are numerous restaurants that serve hamburgers year-round. Unlike a lot of food, hamburgers are so popular that places like McDonald’s have an assembly line of hamburgers ready to serve whenever people order them. 

4. Apple pie

Dutch apple pie
Source: HG Photography / Shutterstock.com
Tons of baby boomers love making fresh baked apple pie.

The smell of fresh apple pie is second to none for baby boomers. Whenever an apple pie comes fresh out of the oven, it’s common for people to race over for a slice. Apple pie is another food that feels like it should only be served during the summer months. It’s a fantastic dessert that can have multiple sides served along with it. The most common way to serve apple pie is with ice cream next to it. 

There are also various other dessert fruits that pair well with apple pie. If served alone, apple pie is a unique sweet treat because it’s healthier than most other options. There are dozens of bakeries around the United States that work hard to find the right apples to use in their apple pies. If an apple isn’t good, it can ruin the entire flavor of the pie. Spring is when apples are in season, which is why apple pie is so popular during the summer. 

5. Corn on the cob

Single ear of corn isolated on white background as package design element
Source: Kovaleva_Ka / Shutterstock.com
Baby boomers enjoy adding butter to corn on the cob to enhance the flavor.

A popular side dish to go along with barbecue and other summer meals is corn on the cob. The bright yellow corn kernels pop in the store when the food is ready to be served and sold. Baby boomers love how easy it is to cook corn and serve it with butter. Like mashed potatoes, corn on the cob seemingly can be paired with anything. It’s normal to see corn next to a hamburger at a barbecue with friends. Corn on the cob is great because it can also be served by itself. 

There are tons of baby boomers who remember taking roadtrips through the midwest as kids and adults and seeing tons of corn stalks. Baby boomers aren’t the only generation who loves corn on the cob, though. In 2023, a young boy went viral when he sang a song talking about his love and admiration for corn. It’s clear that baby boomers are giving their grandkids corn on the cob, and serving it the correct way. The popularity for corn on the cob doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon, either. 

6. Cheeseburger

Source: Mirko Okuka/ Shutterstock
There are tons of toppings baby boomers add to their cheeseburgers.

It’s rare to find a food item that isn’t made better by the addition of cheese. While baby boomers love hamburgers, they also have an admiration for cheeseburgers. With the rise in people who can’t eat dairy products, there’s no telling how much longer cheeseburgers will be popular. Like hamburgers, people add tons of different vegetables to their cheeseburger. There are people who add meats like bacon and brisket to their cheeseburger, if they’re really feeling like trying something new. 

Cheeseburgers are another item that’s seemingly sold in every restaurant. There are plenty of different sides to pair with the main dish, like french fries or salad. Cheeseburgers are another staple food at picnics and family get-togethers. As long as baby boomers are around, cheeseburgers will continue to be sold and cooked up.  

7. Grilled cheese

Source: Mironov Vladimir/ Shutterstock
Grilled cheese is a quick, yet simple meal baby boomers make for themselves.

Few food items compare to grilled cheese sandwiches. They are incredibly easy to make. Unlike a lot of items on this list, grilled cheese takes only minutes to prepare at home. There’s never a bad time to eat grilled cheese. In the summer, baby boomers enjoy sitting outside and bringing a fresh grilled cheese out with them to relax. During the winter, few combinations of food go together as well as grilled cheese and tomato soup. 

All it takes to make grilled cheese is bread, butter, and whatever cheeses your heart desires. No two grilled cheeses are the exact same. Some people enjoy putting tons of butter on their bread to enhance the flavor. Other people like adding multiple types of cheese to their sandwich to fulfill their cheese desires. Nearly everyone of all ages can eat grilled cheese as well. Whenever baby boomers have their families come over, grilled cheese sandwiches are a perfect dish to serve for everyone’s enjoyment. 

8. French fries

Source: Deutschlandreform / Shutterstock.com
It’s normal to order a side of french fries with a meal for baby boomers.

French fries are one of the few foods that seemingly everyone enjoys. Whether you’re at a fast-food restaurant or a fine dining establishment, french fries nearly always appear on the menu as a side option. Given how delicious the food tastes and how many different sauces can be used for french fry dipping, it’s no wonder baby boomers are so fond of them. It’s easy to find and purchase french fries to eat at home in 2024. 

With the creation of the air fryer, baby boomers don’t have to stress about putting aluminum foil under their homemade french fries that they put in the oven. Instead, all they need to do is space them out in the air fryer, and then they’re fully cooked. It’s common to order extra sides of fries. That way, everyone gets some of them when groups go out to eat. There are tons of different things to add to your french fries in 2024, like cheddar powder. 

9. Fried chicken

Source: athurstock / Shutterstock.com
There are tons of seasonings to add onto fried chicken.

It’s common for folks to enjoy fried chicken. Baby boomers have adored nearly every fried chicken recipe there is. Fried chicken is often served with sides like mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese. Even though it’s put in a fryer, eating fried chicken is healthier than tons of other options, since it’s base is chicken. Fried chicken is also one of the few foods that’s easily available at fast-food restaurants. 

Oftentimes, people think about eating fried chicken off the bone. However, some restaurants have completely taken the bone out, and started to serve the chicken on a sandwich bun. People are always looking for new ways to eat food, even fried chicken. There are plenty of sauces to pair with a fried chicken sandwich as well.  

10. BBQ ribs

Beef ribs being basted with bbq sauce on a grill with a basting brush
Source: F Armstrong Photography / Shutterstock.com
BBQ ribs are a great meal to grill for others.

BBQ ribs have become so popular in the southern part of the United States that there are competitions honoring it now. In the competitions, people bring their grills to see who makes the best ribs. The goal is to have the ribs fall off the bone while covered in flavor and sauces. While not all baby boomers are competing to see if their ribs will win them awards, they still love eating a tasty rack of bbq ribs. 

One of the most popular times for baby boomers to cook bbq ribs is during the summer months, when people are spending more time outside and with their families. They always make sure to have extra napkins on deck, ready for anyone to grab whenever they spill the sauce. BBQ ribs have plenty of sides that go with them as well, like potatoes and corn. 

11. Hash browns

Source: DronG/ Shutterstock
Hash browns are typically served with breakfast.

For tons of baby boomers, breakfast isn’t complete without hash browns on the side of their meal. Even though hash browns aren’t filling enough for most baby boomers to be their entire meal, they enjoy having them alongside eggs or fruit in the morning. Drinks like orange juice complete the breakfast meal and baby boomers feel like they’re ready to take on the day.

Hash browns are also one of the easiest breakfast items to cook in the morning. To make hash browns, you must put stringy potatoes on the stove for a couple of minutes. There are some brands that require putting them in the microwave. Hash browns are found at nearly every breakfast and brunch restaurant where baby boomers frequently visit. 

12. Roast beef

Source: LauriPatterson / Getty Images
Roast beef is often added to sandwiches.

One of the most popular foods for baby boomers to eat is roast beef. There’s a common theme regarding American foods that baby boomers like, and it’s the fact that a lot of these foods contain protein. Eating a balanced diet that includes protein is important for everyone to do. Foods like roast beef taste delicious, and are filled with tons of protein to stay healthy. With the creation of the crock pot, cooking roast beef is easier than it’s ever been.

All you have to do is put the roast beef in your crock pot, and it’s good to go after a set amount of time. There are also plenty of side options to serve alongside roast beef, like dinner rolls and steamed vegetables. Baby boomers love cooking and eating roast beef because of how simple it is to make, yet how amazing it tastes as a main entree. For more food content, click here to read about 20 foods you should never eat at fast-food chains. 

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