



The Most Decorated Women in US Military History

The Most Decorated Women in US Military History

Women have been taking on roles in the military since before the United States was founded. During the American Revolution, many of them had more traditional roles, from cooks and nurses to seamstresses although others served in combat roles, whether beside their husbands, disguised as men, or even as spies.

It wasn’t until the Civil War that women began taking more non-traditional roles, and it was their service in the First World War that helped push forward the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote. Women have continued to serve in the U.S. military with distinction and valor. This is quite evident in the medals and decorations they have earned in their service to the United States.

24/7 Tempo has put together a list that recognizes the most decorated women in U.S. military history by consulting the websites of each branch of the American military, the website for the National World War II Museum, and various additional websites and blogs.

Most of the earliest recipients of the highest medals for valor awarded by the United States were courageous nurses who tended to the wounded and sick. Then there was Mary Walker, the first female surgeon in the U.S. military. For her service during the Civil War, she became the first, and so far the only, woman to win the Medal of Honor. Because she was a civilian, the honor was rescinded in 1917 but restored by President Jimmy Carter 60 years later.

During World War II, women stepped up even more. They worked in cryptography, military intelligence, parachute rigging, and much more. They were also closer than ever to the frontlines, working in the flight nurse program in which they ferried wounded soldiers out of various combat zones. Many were pilots who flew in the famed aircraft from World War II. Nearly 350,000 American women served in uniform during the war.

With the dawn of the 21st century, more recent conflicts have women engaged in combat, alongside men. Two women listed here, Lori Hill and Mary Jennings Hega, heroically piloted helicopters while under fire in Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively. (These are 10 of the longest wars of all time.)

Mary Walker

Source: C.M. Bell, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Source: C.M. Bell, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Surgeon
  • Medals awarded: Medal of Honor
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: Civil War

Beatrice MacDonald

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Service Cross, British Military Medal, Royal Red Cross Medal 2nd Class, French Croix de Guerre, Purple Heart
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War I

Helen Grace McClelland

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Surgical Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Service Cross
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War I

Isabelle Stambaugh

  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Service Cross, British Royal Red Cross Medal 2nd Class
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War I

Jane Jeffery

Soldiers dressed in army camouflage in an army parade
Source: flysnowfly / Shutterstock.com

Source: flysnowfly / Shutterstock.com
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Service Cross
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War I

Eva Jean Parmelee

Source: svengine / Getty Images

Source: svengine / Getty Images
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Service Cross
  • Military branch:  American Expeditionary Forces/U.S. Army
  • War: World War I

Lenah S. Higbee

Source: Work of a sailor or employee of the U.S. Navy, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Navy Cross
  • Military branch: Navy
  • War: World War I/Spanish Flu

Marie Louise Hidell

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Navy Cross
  • Military branch: Navy
  • War: World War I/Spanish Flu

Lillian M. Murphy

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Navy Cross
  • Military branch: Navy
  • War: World War I/Spanish Flu

Edna S. Pierce

Source: Hulton Archive / Hulton Archive via Getty Images

Source: Hulton Archive / Hulton Archive via Getty Images
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Navy Cross
  • Military branch: Navy
  • War: World War I/Spanish Flu

Aleda E. Lutz

Lt. Aleda E. Lutz by Emmalemmalee
Source: Emmalemmalee / Wikimedia Commons

  • Role: Flight Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal four times, the Oak Leaf Cluster, The Red Cross Medal, and the Purple Heart
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War II

Roberta Schilbach Ross

United States Air Force medal of honor with case.
Source: Tracy Fisher / Shutterstock.com

Source: Tracy Fisher / Shutterstock.com
  • Role: Nurse
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal with Oakleaf Cluster
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War II

Jacqueline Cochran

Source: FPG / Getty Images

Source: FPG / Getty Images
  • Role: Pilot
  • Medals awarded: Three Distinguished Flying Crosses, Distinguished Service Medal
  • Military branch: U.S. Army Air Corps – Women Airforce Service Pilots, Air Force Reserve Command
  • War: World War II

Ruby Bradley

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons

Source: Public Domain / Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Nurse, POW
  • Medals awarded: 34 medals and citations for bravery, including two Bronze Stars, two Legions of Merit, two Army Commendation Medals, and the Florence Nightingale Award
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: World War II/Korean War

Mary Jennings Hagar

Source: MJ for Texas, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Source: MJ for Texas, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Helicopter Pilot
  • Medals awarded: Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor Device
  • Military branch: Air Force
  • War: Afghanistan – Operation Enduring Freedom

Lori Hill

Source: U.S. Army, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Source: U.S. Army, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Role: Helicopter Pilot
  • Medals awarded: Distinguished Flying Cross
  • Military branch: Army
  • War: Iraq War/Global War on Terror
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